
  • 网络British Council;Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy;Cultural and Education Section British Embassy
  1. 据英国大使馆文化教育处透露,英国的授课方式通常包括课堂授课、研讨班以及辅导课。

    According to the British Council , courses in the UK are often in the form of lectures , seminars and tutorials .

  2. 首相讲话结束后即启动了英国大使馆文化教育处气候变化世博遗产项目。他将从上海世博会英国馆带来的一根“种子触须”赠送给两名学生代表。

    The Prime Minster then launched the British Council 's UK-China Shanghai Expo Legacy Programme by presenting two students with a seed rod from the UK Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo .

  3. 根据英国大使馆文化教育处(BritishCouncil)的数据,如今大约每四个人中就有一个人会说英语。

    Today about one in four humans speaks at least some English , according to the British Council .

  4. 首相对英国大使馆文化教育处安排此次活动表示感谢,并为英国的机构能够在中国组织这样的活动感到骄傲。

    The Prime Minster thanked the British Council for organizing the event and expressed his pride that a UK organization was undertaking such activities in China .

  5. 英国大使馆文化教育处强烈建议学生列出紧急联络电话和所携带物品完整清单,以防迷路或行李丢失等不时之需。

    The British Council strongly recommends students take a list of emergency contacts and a list of everything they bring with them , just in case they get lost or lose their luggage .

  6. 活动支持:抓马宝贝、英国大使馆文化教育处本次活动系《中英教育剧场论坛-抓马宝贝教育剧场论坛第二辑》系列活动之一。其他信息请关注网路消息。

    Organizer : Drama Rainbow , British Council This workshop is part of the " China-UK drama and theatre education forum " . Please follow our activities through the web page as below .

  7. 英国大使馆文化教育处教育推广总监吴媛媛女士说:“英国留学对于中国学生的价值已变得越来越显著。”

    Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy Director for Education Marketing Jazreel Goh said : " The value of a British qualification is becoming more and more evident to Chinese students . "

  8. 今年11月,英国大使馆文化教育处联手北京无尚神采文化有限公司,再次将这部出色的英国戏剧作品带到中国,在北京、西安、武汉和深圳四地进行巡演。

    This November , British Council is bringing this excellent production back to China again , together with Magique ( Beijing ) . Overcoat will be touring to Beijiing , Xi ' an , Wuhan and Shenzhen .

  9. 据新华社一篇报道称,英国驻华大使馆文化教育处进行的一项调查显示,如果有足够资金的话,超过八成的80、90后会选择买车。

    A survey conducted by the British Council in China indicated that given the money , more than 80 percent of people born in the 1980s and 1990s would buy a car , according to a report by Xinhua News Agency .