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yuàn yòu
  • animal farm/park
苑囿 [yuàn yòu]
  • [enclosed ground for raising animals] 畜养禽兽的圈地

  1. Sangha在和主人家烦扰它已久的狗发生了一次不愉快之后,被送到了一位地方皇族的私人苑囿。

    After a regretful incident with the family dog , who had pestered him for so long , Sangha end up in the private zoo of His Excellency , an unspecified member of local Royalty .

  2. 美学苑囿一洞天&2002年国内宗教美学思想研究巡礼

    View of 2002 Religious Aesthetic Ideology Study in China

  3. 承德避暑山庄为我国北方皇家园林的艺术瑰宝,是清代帝王苑囿的杰出代表。

    Chengde Mountain Resort is the art treasure of Chinese North Royal Garden .

  4. 对周围环境的改造主要表现在阳渠的修建、苑囿的建设、关隘以及道路的修整等方面。

    The construction of positive ditch , garden , mountain pass and rode were the major projects in reconstructing the environment around Luoyang .

  5. 从早期的苑囿具有物质生产功能开始,鱼与园林就有了不解之缘。

    From the time when the early gardens had the function of production , the fish have had the connection with the garden landscape .

  6. 治山理水是中国古代苑囿建造过程中采用的极其重要的造园艺术手法。

    It is the extremely important art technique of building gardens for designing and constructing mountain and water in the ancient Chinese Gardens of Imperial Families .

  7. 此外,有些帝王还拥有自己的苑囿,在苑囿里采用独特的管理体制,于某种程度上也促进了生态保育。

    Besides , some monarches had their own gardens , in which they adopted special managements . In some way , it redounded to Ecology Conservation .

  8. 他认为亚洲的落后缘于儒教的僵化,近代日本的成功正在于于“脱亚入欧”中摆脱了儒教教条的苑囿;

    He believes that the Asian backwardness originates from the rigid confucianism , and Japan 's success in modernization lies in its cast off the yoke of Confucianism .

  9. 但在事实上,这个面积曾相当于明清北京城三倍的皇家苑囿却对北京发挥着重要的功能和作用。

    But in fact , the Nan Yuan Garden , which was ever as three times large in area as that of the Beijing city in the Ming and Qing Dynasty , historically played an important role in the city function of Beijing .

  10. 在《西厢记》中,寻求自我安慰的失意文人创造出意淫式的爱情,淹没了女性自己的声音和形象建构,苑囿了女性自我意识的发展。

    In The Story Happened in West-wing House , for seeking self-consolation , the play writer , a disappointed literati , creates the imaginary libido satisfaction love , submerges the female 's own sounds and image , limits the progress of the female 's self-awareness .

  11. 在这些诗篇里,曲江已不只是单纯的苑囿景观,同时也成为了一个包蕴着多种思想感情因素的文学意象,因而包含着较为深刻的文化意蕴。

    Within these poems , " Qu Jiang " is not only simple gardens enclosure landscape , but also has been becoming at the same time a literature imago witch accumuls the various mind and sentiment factors package , and for witch it contains comparatively incisive cultural meanings .