
  • 网络sufi;sufism
  1. 印度苏非派哲学与泰戈尔的宗教神秘主义

    The philosophy of Sufism in India and Tagore 's religious mysticism

  2. 在旁遮普省法里德·沙卡尔·甘吉圣地的爆炸是针对巴基斯坦苏非派圣地一连串攻击中的最新一次。

    The blast at the Farid Shakar Ganj shrine in Punjab province was the latest in a string of attacks targeting Sufi shrines in Pakistan .

  3. 袭击发生后,一名顶尖苏非派学者穆夫提·穆尼博·雷赫曼,因没有采取足够措施保护苏非派人口批评了政府。

    After the attack , a top Sufi scholar , Mufti Muneebur Rehman , criticized the government for not doing enough to protect the Sufi population .

  4. 在宗教思想和宗教行为上,苏非派思想受到了佛教的影响,在宗教修行过程中使用念珠。

    Secondly , the ideology of Sufi clan were influenced by the Buddhism , and they were used prayer beads to cultivate themselves according to the Moslem doctorine .