
  • 网络sufi;Sufism
  1. 阿特波斯诗人及神秘家,其代表作百鸟会议是一篇苏菲派的寓言式调查。

    Persian poet and mystic whose masterpiece , conference of the birds , is an allegorical survey of sufism .

  2. 一些印度苏菲派受到印度教习俗的极大影响。

    Some of the Indian Sufis were greatly influenced by Hindu customs .

  3. 其中比较出名的是15世纪建造的西迪叶海亚(SidiYahya)清真寺和苏菲派圣徒陵墓。

    Among the more famous are the 15th-century Sidi Yahya mosque and the ancient tombs of Sufi saints .

  4. 他是一苏菲派团体的成员。

    He 's a member of a Sufic order .

  5. 他是苏菲派的改革家和代言人。

    From this point of view , he is the reformer and spokesman of Sufi .

  6. 他们甚至控制了一个苏菲派的圣人的圣殿——皮尔·巴巴,这是一个朝觐的地点。

    They even took control of the famous shrine of a Sufi saint , Pir Baba , which was a pilgrimage site .

  7. 精神方法可以帮助人做到,如许多形式的冥想和其他瑜伽训练、佛教、苏菲派和萨满教。

    Spiritual methodologies such as the many forms of Meditation and other Yogic practice , Buddhism , Sufiism and Shamanism can assist one here .