
  • 网络chinese soviet republic
  1. 中华苏维埃共和国社会建设在中国近代社会史上具有重要的地位及作用。

    The social construction of the Chinese Soviet Republic was important in modern chinese history .

  2. 中华苏维埃共和国是中国革命一定阶段的必然产物

    The Chinese Soviet Republic Was a Inevitable Product in the Certain Period of Chinese Revolution

  3. 中华苏维埃共和国传染病防治工作的经验

    Experiences of Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in Chinese Soviet Republic

  4. 中华苏维埃共和国廉政制度建设刍议

    Some Opinions on Institutional Improvement of Clean Government in Chinese Soviet Republic Period

  5. 略论中华苏维埃共和国旅游区开发的价值及其可行性

    On the Exploration Value and Feasibility of the Tourist Region of Chinese Soviet Republic

  6. 中华苏维埃共和国卫生防疫保障成效之考察

    An Investigation on the Safeguard Effects of Sanitation and Epidemic for the Chinese Soviet Government

  7. 中华苏维埃共和国是一个国家,虽然是一个不完全的国家。

    Although China 's Soviet Republic was an incomplete country , it was actually a country .

  8. 是以前的苏联中最大的苏维埃共和国,占有欧洲东部和亚洲北部。

    Formerly the largest Soviet Socialist Republic in the USSR occupying eastern Europe and northern Asia .

  9. 巴伐利亚苏维埃共和国

    Soviet Republic of Bavaria

  10. 1922年12月30日,弗拉基米尔·列宁宣布苏维埃共和国联盟创立。

    On Dec. 30 , 1922 , Vladimir Lenin proclaimed the establishment of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics .

  11. 然而,大部分在乌克兰东部和南部的支持者们更愿意与俄罗斯或者其他前苏维埃共和国进行联盟。

    Yet his core supporters in Ukraine 's east and south prefer union with Russia and other ex-Soviet republics .

  12. 中华苏维埃共和国时期的三次选举运动为我们提供了研究革命选举制度的有益案例。

    Three electoral campaigns during Chinese Soviet Republic period provide us a useful case study of the revolutionary electoral system .

  13. 列宁和平共处重要思想成为俄罗斯苏维埃共和国制定外交政策的理论基础。

    And Lenin 's important thought of peaceful co-existence had become a leading theory in Soviet Union 's foreign policy .

  14. 他们认为这可以为他们提供有效的帮助和支持的一个重要的道德和政治力量的苏维埃共和国。

    They regarded the Soviet Republic as a crucial moral and political force which could offer them effective help and support .

  15. 谈谈这些你所听说过的男人,来自苏维埃共和国存体却创造了商业帝国。

    And you thought Cher was extravagant SAY what you like about the men who built business empires from the wreckage of Soviet communism .

  16. 中华苏维埃共和国保障公民受教育权的实践&以教育经费的供给为视角

    The Practice of the Republic of Chinese Soviet at Ensuring the Citizen 's Right of Receiving an Education from the Perspective of Educational Funds Supply

  17. 什么样的和平方式?一国两制,共同开发。中华苏维埃共和国廉政制度建设刍议

    What kind of peaceful means ? ` ` One country , two systems ' ' and ` ` joint development ' ' . Some Opinions on Institutional Improvement of Clean Government in Chinese Soviet Republic Period

  18. 1922年的今天,苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟组成。

    1922-The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( USSR ) is formed .

  19. 格鲁吉亚共和国黑海高加索地区的东南欧苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟的一个有制宪权的共和国。

    A constituent republic of southeast European U.S.S.R.in the Caucasus on the Black Sea .

  20. 苏维埃社会主义共和国(共和国)

    Soviet Socialist Republic ( SSR )

  21. 雅库次克自治苏维埃社会主义共和国

    Yakutsk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

  22. 摩尔达维亚苏维埃社会主义共和国

    Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic

  23. 以前构成苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟的任何一个国家。

    One of the states that formerly made up the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( 1922-1991 ) .

  24. 美国希望这个前苏维埃加盟共和国加入北约组织。

    The United States wants the former Soviet republic to join NATO ( the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) .

  25. 作为一名苏维埃吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国里的高中学生,这是一个雄心壮志。

    For a high school student in the small Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan , this was a lofty ambition .

  26. 现在中国的国境:在东北、西北和西方的一部,和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟接壤。

    China borders on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the northeast , the northwest and part of the west ;

  27. 前苏联1991年解体时,人们突然认识到:苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟从来都不是一个名副其实的国家。

    When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 , it suddenly became obvious that the USSR had never been a proper country .

  28. 当它存在与1922年到1991年时,苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟是世界上面积最大的国家。

    When it existed from 1922 to 1991 , the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was by area the world 's largest country .

  29. 由1991年12月前的苏联内部的苏维埃社会主义共和国组成的联盟。

    An alliance made up of states that had been Soviet Socialist Republics in the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in Dec 1991 .

  30. 这位著名的米连娜“米拉”出生于乌克兰切尔诺夫策的一个犹太家族,苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟(现独立于乌克兰)。

    The talented Milena " Mila " Markovna Kunis was born in Chernivtsi , Ukraine , USSR ( now independent Ukraine ) , to a Jewish family .