
  • Collie;Rough Collie
  1. NEMO是我一个亲密朋友的女儿,是苏格兰牧羊犬,不是非常纯的品种,就像她父母说的不够漂亮。

    NEMO is a daughter of my close friend , she is Rough Collie , but not very pure , not beautiful enough as her parents said .

  2. 苏格兰牧羊犬特制纯麦威士忌。

    Scottish Collie Specially Selected Pure Malt Whiskey N.V.

  3. 边境牧羊犬最初被归类为“苏格兰牧羊犬”。

    The Border Collie was first classified as the " scotch sheep dog " .

  4. 苏格兰牧羊犬大、圆、突出的眼睛会严重影响狗的甜蜜表情,属于缺陷。

    A large , round , full eye seriously detracts from the desired sweet expression .

  5. 我就不希望在火灾、一氧化碳中毒或其他灾难中失去我养的苏格兰牧羊犬麦奇和虎斑猫露西。

    I know I wouldn 't want to lose Maggie , my collie , or Lucy , my Tabby cat , to a fire , carbon monoxide poisoning or Lord knows what else .

  6. 改编自杰克·伦敦的同名野外冒险小说,《野性的呼唤》讲述了一条毛发杂乱的家养圣伯纳犬和苏格兰牧羊犬混种狗,巴克的故事,它在克朗代克淘金热期间被带到了寒冷的北方。

    Adapted from Jack London 's wilderness-adventure novel , The Call of the Wild tells the shaggy dog story of a domestic St Bernard / Scotch Collie cross called Buck who is taken to the frozen north during the Klondike Gold Rush .