
  1. 2050年后,排放不会继续上升,苏伟表示。

    Emissions will not continue to rise beyond 2050 , said Mr Su .

  2. 苏伟指出,事实证明,加拿大和日本是谈判中最不合作的国家,尤其是它们反对为工业化国家的减排责任设定约束性承诺。

    Mr Su labelled Canada and Japan as the nations proving most unco-operative in the negotiations , particularly in their opposition to binding commitments for industrialised nations to reduce emissions .

  3. 不过,中国气候谈判首席代表苏伟对官方电台表示,尽管欧盟拿出了延长《京都议定书》的提议,但德班会议的前景不太令人乐观。

    However , Su Wei , Chinese negotiator , told state radio that while the EU had put forward a proposal to extend Kyoto , the prospects are not very optimistic at Durban .

  4. 联合国气候大会中国首席谈判代表苏伟警告称,澳大利亚拒绝向帮助贫穷国家应对全球变暖的联合国基金中注资,可能会阻碍本周的气候大会进程。

    Australia 's failure to donate money to a UN fund helping poor countries deal with global warming is a problem that could hinder this week 's UN climate meeting , China 's lead negotiator at the talks has warned .

  5. 苏伟称,《京都议定书》第二阶段是巴厘方案的一部分。他补充说,现在欧盟却在谈论他们执行第二阶段承诺目标的新条件,因此那是不公平的。

    A second phase of Kyoto was a part of that Bali package , he said , adding : Now the EU is talking about new conditions for them to undertake on second [ Kyoto ] commitment targets , so that is not fair .

  6. 苏伟重申了中国气候谈判代表团团长解振华上个月曾发表的言论。当时,解振华曾表示,最近几个月富裕国家承诺向绿色气候基金捐赠的97亿美元,距离2020年起贫穷国家期望收到的1000亿美元的目标还很远。

    Mr Su repeated comments made last month by China 's chief climate envoy , Xie Zhenhua , that the $ 9.7bn wealthy countries have pledged to the Green Climate Fund in recent months is a long way from the $ 100bn a year poor countries are expecting to see from 2020 .