
  • 网络fang
  1. 芳人:居住在加蓬,赤道几内亚及喀麦隆的人。

    Fang : a member of a people inhabiting gabon , equatorial guinea , and cameroon .

  2. 阿肯人加纳和象牙海岸的一个民族,包括芳蒂人和特维人。

    A member of a people of Ghana and the ivory coast , including the Fante and the twi .

  3. 这句话刚火的时候,元芳这个人两日内被人问了200多万次。如果元芳确有此人,看来他不被问死也得被烦死。

    When the hit question first came out , the man named Yuanfang faced the question over a million times per day on the Internet . If Yuanfang is a real human being , he would either be tired to death or be bored to death .