
  • 网络Flower window;lattice window;colored window;caved window
  1. 这座教堂可以免费入内参观,因此游客也可以免费享受探索教堂内花窗玻璃的乐趣,其中既有悬挂在大门上方瑰丽无比的中世纪玫瑰窗,也有艺术家保罗·夏卡尔(PaulChagall)创作的现代花窗。

    Since there is no entrance fee at the church , the pleasure of discovering its stained-glass windows , which range from a spectacular medieval rose window over the main doorway to contemporary works created by the artist Paul Chagall , is free .

  2. 不是,那是花窗。

    No , they are figured windows .

  3. 在苏州园林中,这样形状各异的花窗多达300种。

    In Suzhou , we have counted more than three hundred patterns from the classical gardens .

  4. 剖面形态上,这些断陷不是三角形就是倒梯形,即所谓的花窗结构。

    In section configuration , the depressions are either triangle or reversed trapezoid - fenestral structure .

  5. 中国古典园林中的花窗设计是景观设计中不可缺少的构件元素。

    Chinese classical gardens in the rose window design isan indispensable component in the landscape design elements .

  6. 多年来,四川的花窗以其独有魅力和精湛的雕工一直吸引着众多人士的珍爱。

    For years , the screen window panel in Sichuan Province is an attraction to many collectors .

  7. 花窗的制作材料主要取自砖木和瓦等材料。

    The materials required in making the lattice patterns are mainly bricks , wood and arched roof tiles .

  8. 花窗的形状有方型、长方型、有些是圆形、有些是六角型或者是扇型的。

    Their frames appears frequently in square and rectangles , some of them have round , hexagonal and fan shapes .

  9. 花窗又名漏窗,古代称牖,是指开在墙壁上的窗。

    Screen window panel is also called permeable panel , which is fixed on the wall of the Chinese building of traditional style .

  10. 琉璃瓦中的勾头,滴水瓦件以及走兽、钉帽、花窗和正吻、垂兽等构件采用手工成型或注浆成型。

    The manual stamping or casting is used to mold eave tile , drip tile , tile with animals , nail head and glassless window .

  11. 这里的六扇窗户显示了不同的设计风格,我们称他们为花窗。他们在苏州的园林中具有很重要的作用。

    The six window are showing different designs of latticework they are a very important element of Suzhou 's garden we call them floral windows .

  12. 和同类的苏杭花窗相比,四川花窗具有自身独特的样式和审美价值。

    Compared with styles of panels in either Suzhou or Hanzhou , the window in Sichuan well reflects a unique cultural aspect of the Chinese inlander 's ingenuity .

  13. 土耳其提供蓝色瓷砖,伊朗赠送了地毯,马来西亚捐赠圆顶,摩洛哥送来彩花玻璃窗,伊拉克则提供了黄色玻璃。

    Turkey provided blue tiles ; Iran , carpets ; Malaysia , the dome ; Morocco , stained glass windows ; and Iraq , yellow glass .

  14. 手把花锄出绣窗。

    Take the flower hoe go outside .