
  • 网络flowers fairy
  1. 花卉白粉病防治药剂病花灵的合成

    The Synthesis of Piperalin for Control Powdery Mildew on Flowering Plant

  2. 叶面喷施宇花灵,番木瓜插条的生根成苗率高,且发病指数低;

    Papaya plants sprayed with " yuhualing " had higher rate of rooting and seedling and lower disease index .

  3. 目的观察花灵、香云胶囊对小鼠免疫功能的调节及对肿瘤的抑制作用。

    Aim To study the regulatory effects of Hualing Jiaonang and Xiangyun Jiaonang on immune functions and tumour inhibition in mice .

  4. 研究了4种基质、喷施生物型有机营养液宇花灵与番木瓜插条苗生根率及成苗率的关系,以及插条苗的龄期对移栽成活率的影响。

    Effects of 4 matrixes , spraying of " Yuhualing ", a kind of biotype organic nutrition on the rooting and seedling rate of papaya cuttings were studied .