
  • 网络Ballet;ballet shoes;Ballerina;ballet flats
  1. 平底鞋会透露出缺乏权威的小女孩的感觉,如果你要穿平底鞋,也要选择材质较硬的,不能是类似芭蕾舞鞋的那种。

    Flat shoes can suggest a girlish lack of authority ; if you wear them , choose flats with some hardware and avoid the ballet look .

  2. 从电吉他到芭蕾舞鞋,英国诺丁汉郡一家葬礼公司推出的一系列疯狂棺材定会让你瞠目结舌。

    From an electric guitar to a ballet shoe , Nottingham-based funeral firm , Vic Fearn and Company will make you a customised coffin , built to your specific requirements .

  3. 您还需要买一双芭蕾舞鞋,姿态训练的时候会用得着。

    You also need to buy a pair of toe shoes for posture training .

  4. 芭蕾舞鞋、便鞋、船鞋将流行较平、中等高度的款式。

    Popularity of toe shoe , slippers , step-in general is smoother , medium high design .

  5. 我则通过一笔更为明智的挥霍满足了自己的欲望:一双采用柔软的黑色皮革制成的经典款芭蕾舞鞋。

    I contented myself with a more sensible splurge : classic ballerinas in supple black leather .

  6. 我的朋友扔掉芭蕾舞鞋,转而从事舞蹈疗法&一个她胜任并能发挥其潜能的领域。

    My friend put away her toe shoes and moved into dance therapy , a field where she 's both competent and useful .

  7. 您需要一套健身衣和一双运动鞋。您还需要买一双芭蕾舞鞋,姿态训练的时候会用得着。

    You need an aerobics outfit and a pair of sneakers . You also need to buy a pair of toe shoes for posture training .

  8. 几年前街上流行前沿的时尚芭蕾舞鞋,似乎漫不经心地旋转中便带有奥黛丽·赫本或艾米·怀恩豪斯的气质,为整个夏日带来了快乐。

    The fashion for wearing ballerina slippers as streetwear , which crested a couple of years ago , appeared to offer the pleasing possibility of skipping insouciantly through summer , rocking an Audrey Hepburn or Amy Winehouse vibe .

  9. 一进入英国国立维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆,第一眼看见的便是夏日展厅里的鞋子:那是莫伊拉·希勒出演鲍威尔和皮斯伯格的电影《红菱艳》时穿过的红色芭蕾舞鞋,那双红舞鞋展现了女主人公的苦与乐。

    One of the first things you notice on entering the V & A 's new summer exhibition Shoes : Pleasure & Pain are the ballet slippers wornby Moria Shearer in Powell and Press burger 's film The Red Shoes .

  10. 这个小家伙身穿粉色芭蕾短裙和舞鞋,背着一对精灵翅膀,看来着实费心打扮了一番。

    His fairy wings , pink tutu and ballet pumps suggest this little boy has raided the dressing up box .