
  • Chivas;Chivas Regal;CHEERS
  1. 尊尼获加拥有34%的中国威士忌市场,使其成为第二大热门品牌,仅次于法国保乐力加(PernodRicard)旗下的芝华士(ChivasRegal)。芝华士占有50%的市场份额。

    Johnnie Walker has 34 per cent of the Chinese whisky market , making it the second most popular brand behind Pernod Ricard 's Chivas Regal , which has a 50 per cent share .

  2. 这同样适用于芝华士瓜达拉哈拉和费城联盟。

    The same goes for Chivas Guadalajara and Philadelphia Union .

  3. 总部位于巴黎的芝华士(ChivasRegal)生产商保乐力加将于5月份在北京举行会议。

    Pernod Ricard , the Paris-headquartered maker of Chivas Regal , is holding a conference in Beijing in May .

  4. 芝华士倾力支持Sasha2004中国之旅

    Chivas Fully Supports Sasha 2004 Journey To China

  5. 于是,芝华士作为经典苏格兰威士忌的代名词,声名远扬。

    As a result , Chivas Scotch , as synonymous with classic , famous .

  6. 您叫了芝华士威士忌吗?

    Did you order the Chivas regal ?

  7. 有黑方、红方、杰克丹尼尔和芝华士12年。精通炼金术或炼丹术的人。

    We have Black Label , Red Label , Jack Daniel and Chivas Regal 12 .

  8. 这就是芝华士人生。

    That is chivas life .

  9. 这次我来是参加周五将在纽约公共图书馆举办的芝华士酒会。

    This time I 'm here to attend the Chivas Regal party which will be held on Friday at the NY Public library .

  10. 这位前锋现在为芝华士队踢球,预计将在7月1日成为曼联球员。

    The forward , who currently plays his club football for Chivas , is expected to officially become a Manchester United player on1 July .

  11. 今年的七夕之夜,让我们沉浸在芝华士的浪漫情怀中,重温神仙眷属们的传奇故事。

    During China 's Valentine 's Day this year , let us take a moment to immerse ourselves with Chiva 's in the legendary tales of love and romance .

  12. 芝华士皇家礼炮、苏格兰、百龄坛、白马、尊尼获加、黑方、杰克丹尼、龙津等等。

    Chivas Royal Salute , Scotch , Ballantine 's , White Horse , Johnnie Walker , Black Label , Jack 's Daniel 's , Long John and so on .

  13. 芝华士的比赛一结束我们就会在更衣室等着他,他总是会追问我们觉得他的表现如何。

    When Chivas games ended normally we 'd wait for him at the dressing room door and the first thing he 'd ask is what we thought of his performance .

  14. 弗格森还得等体检报告才能决定是否让他上,他赞扬了球队的球探在芝华士发现了赫尔南德斯。

    Ferguson , who will wait for news on the22-year-old 's fitness before deciding whether to play him , paid tribute to the club 's scouts who plucked the forward from Mexican club Chivas de Guadalajara .

  15. 早在二十多年前,一些重要品牌如芝华士、马爹利、皇家礼炮就已进入中国市场,并逐渐成长为中国进口烈酒市场的领导品牌。

    Key brands such as Chivas Regal , Martell and Royal Salute were introduced into the country over two decades ago , since then they have grown to be China 's leading portfolio of imported spirits .

  16. 然而,由于进入中国后,帝亚吉欧在中国市场的占有率比马爹利,芝华士,皇家礼炮和其他品牌的老对手要低得多-法国保乐力加集团。

    However , due to enter China later , Diageo 's market share in China has a much lower than Martell , Chivas Regal , Royal Salute and other brands of old rival-the French group Pernod Ricard .