• grassland;wild land
  • overgrown with weeds;shaggy;mixed and disorderly;in a jumble
  • 草长得杂乱:荒~。~城(田地荒芜长满乱草的旧城)。

  • 乱草丛生的地方:平~。

  • 喻杂乱(多指文辞):~杂(杂乱,没有条理)。~词。~劣(杂乱拙劣)。


(乱草丛生的地方) grassland; wild land:

  • 平芜

    open grassland


(草长得多而乱) overgrown with weeds; shaggy:

  • 荒芜

    lie waste; go out of cultivation;

  • 荒凉芜秽

    wild and shaggy


(比喻杂乱) mixed and disorderly; in a jumble; in a muddle; miscellaneous:

  • 芜词

    superfluous words;

  • 文章芜劣

    a miscellaneous and unmethodical article

  1. 宁芜地区玢岩铁矿Pb同位素研究

    Pb Isotope Research of Porphyrite Fe Deposits in the Ning-Wu Area

  2. 宁芜地区中生代岩浆岩的成因&岩石学与Nd、Sr、Ph同位素证据

    Petrological and Nd , Sr , Ph Isotopic Evidence for Genesis of Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks in Nanjing-Wuhu Area

  3. 长江中下游繁昌-宁芜火山盆地火山岩锆石U-Pb年代学及其地质意义

    Zircon U-Pb geochronology of the volcanic rocks from Fanchang-Ningwu volcanic basins in the Lower Yangtze region and its geological implications

  4. 31.25mg/ml复方芜荑水提物作用24h和72h后对细胞病变的抑制率分别为69.69%和69.79%;

    The inhibitory percentages of 31.25 mg / ml water extract were 69.69 % and 69.79 % respectively after incubating for 24h and 72h ;

  5. 目的:探讨复方芜荑水和醇提取物体外抗Ι型单纯疱疹病毒(Herpessimplexvirus-,ΙHSV-Ι)的活性。

    Objectives : To study the antiviral effects of water and alcohol extracts of compound of ulmus macrocarpa Hance ( CUMH ) on herpes simplex virus - Ι in vitro .

  6. 作为一个项目众多的投资人,我一直很喜欢支持一些Web2.0公司,而且这帮助我发展了几条标准来去芜存菁。

    As a serial investor , I 've enjoyed backing some good Web2.0 companies , and it 's helped me develop a shortlist of criteria to cut the wheat from the chaff .

  7. 合芜蚌自主创新试验区的系统目标与创新设计

    Systematic Objective and Innovative Design of He-Wu-Beng Independent Innovation Testing District

  8. 宁芜地区中生代火山岩地层划分及其特征

    Stratigraphic division of Mesozoic volcanic strata and their characteristics in Nanjing-Wuhu area

  9. 《山峡中》是艾芜早期小说的代表作。

    Aimdst Three Gorges is Ahvu 's early representative works .

  10. 芜生蔓长的爬山虎扼杀了不那么有活力的其他植物。

    The rank growth of the creepers choked the less vigorous plants .

  11. 一个中生代的拉分盆地&宁芜盆地的形成及演化

    Formation and evolution of the Ningwu basin as a Mesozoic pull-apart basin

  12. 数据百分比网格法在宁芜及溧水地区地质找矿中的应用

    Application of Data Percentage Grid Method in Mineral Prospecting

  13. 芜马高速公路沥青混凝土路面设计探讨

    Asphalt Concrete Pavement Design for Wuhu-Ma ′ anshan Expressway

  14. 榛芜原野的一朵奇葩&论刘基的词

    A Wonderful Flower in the Wilderness & on Liu ji ′ s ci

  15. 裕芜轮北线开发利用的研究

    Research on Development and Usage of northern line of Yu Wu Ferry Boat

  16. 应用改进程序研究宁芜地区构造应力场

    Research on the tectonic stress field of Ningwu area by the improvement program

  17. 宁芜地区铁磷矿床形成机理探索

    On the formation mechanism of iron and phosphorous ore deposits in the Ningwu area

  18. 宁芜向山地区火山热水沉积黄铁矿矿床地质概念模型

    Theoretical model for hot-water sedimentary pyrite deposits , Xiangshan district , nanjing Wuhu region

  19. 合芜蚌试验区培育新型企业的优势、劣势和对策

    Superiority , Inferiority and Countermeasures for Cultivation of Innovation Enterprise in Hefei-Wuhu-Bengbu Pilot Area

  20. 芜青植物大的黄色的根。

    Large yellow root of a rutabaga plant .

  21. 宁芜北段某些次火山岩和蚀变岩中的稀土元素

    The Rare Earth Elements in some Sub-Volcanic and Altered rocks in North Nanjing-Wuhu area

  22. 宁芜火山岩地区同位素地质年代学的初步研究

    Geochronology of volcanic rocks in the Nanjing-Wuhu area

  23. 宁芜火山岩中角闪石暗化现象的研究和应用

    Research on the OPACITIZATION of amphiboles in volcanics of Nanjing-Wuhu area and Its Applications

  24. 宁芜、庐枞火山岩地区几种表生磷酸盐矿物特征及形成机理

    Mineralogical features and genetic mechanism of some hypergene phosphates in Nanjing-Wuhu and Lujiang-Zongyang volcanic areas

  25. 复方芜荑水和醇提取物抗Ι型单纯疱疹病毒的体外作用的研究

    Antiviral effect of compound of ulmus macrocarpa on herpes simplex virus - Ι in vitro

  26. 三是对传统儒家文艺美学思想的再发现和对理学家文艺芜学思想的应和;

    Secondly , the deepening and distillation of Confucian aesthetic thought of literature and art .

  27. 东向发展战略与马芜铜宜四市区级经济的发展

    On the Eastward Development Strategy and District Economic Development in the Four Cities of Anhui

  28. 安徽省合芜蚌自主创新综合配套改革试验区建设的若干问题

    Issues on constructing independent innovation comprehensive supporting reform pilot area of Hefei-Wuhu-Bengbu in Anhui province

  29. 应用遥感技术划分芜铜地区地层

    Application of remote sensing technique to the division of the strata of the Wuhu-Tongling area

  30. 宁芜型铁矿床交代蚀变过程中稀土元素地球化学和活化转移

    Geochemistry and mobilization of the rare earth elements in metasomatic alteration of the NINGWU-TYPE iron deposits