
  • 网络Energy-saving coating;thermo-shield
  1. 节能涂料在锅炉改造中的应用及推广

    Application and popularization of energy saving coatings in boiler innovation

  2. 高发射率节能涂料及其应用

    High emissivity coating and its application for energy - saving

  3. 节能涂料在电阻炉上使用效果的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on the Results of Using Power-saving Coating in Electric Resistance Furnace

  4. 建筑节能涂料:一个巨大的市场

    Energy-Saving Architectural Coatings : A Huge Market

  5. 通钢热电厂锅炉应用节能涂料试验总结

    The testing summary of boiler using energy saving paint for thermal power plant of TISCO

  6. BJ-I红外节能涂料在加热炉上的应用试验研究

    Trial research on the application of BJ-I infrared coating with energy saving to heating furnace

  7. 红外辐射涂料的组成与性能红外节能涂料的研制和应用

    COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF INFRARED COATING A study of energy saving with infrared radiation coating

  8. 红外辐射涂料是一种具有良好的辐射性能且用途广泛的新型节能涂料。

    The infrared radiation coating is a new kind of energy saving coating with a good radiation property and a broad application .

  9. 随着能源消耗的增大以及其价格的增长,此种节能涂料的研究与应用具有重大的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益,发展前途较为广阔。

    Along with the increase of the energy consumption and the price , the research and application of this kind coating have great economy benefit , environment benefit and social benefit , and its future is bright .

  10. 工业应用表明,格子砖表层涂覆微纳米红外节能涂料可提高热风炉送风混前温度30℃,降低煤气消耗8%。

    Industrial application shows that the blast temperature of the hot-blast stove is increased by 30 ℃ and the gas consumption is decreased by 8 % after the surface layer of the checker brick is coated by the nano infrared energy conservation coating material .

  11. 从理论上分析了涂料强化炉内热交换的原理,并介绍了BJ-I红外节能涂料在加热炉上的试验方法,肯定了涂料的节能效果,提出了使用时的注意事项。

    His paper theoretically analyses the principle that coating enhances the heat exchange inside furnace , describes the trial methods of BJ-I infrared coating used for heating furnace , affirms its energy saving effectiveness , and puts forth notice items at moment it is used .

  12. 纳米红外节能涂料是由优质的抗氧化物质经超细化处理制得的高辐射材料,将此材料涂覆于经表面处理后的格子砖表层,可提高格子砖的发射率,提高其蓄热能力。

    The nano infrared energy conservation coating material is a strong radiation coat which made of high quality oxidation-resisting matter by ultrafine treatment . When the surface of checker brick is coated by this material after treatment , its emissivity and regenerative capacity can be increased .

  13. 水性UV节能环保涂料的研究和应用

    Study and Application of Environmental Friendly Waterborne UV Energy Saving Coatings

  14. 寒冷及严寒地区建筑外墙节能保温涂料

    Energy-Saving and Thermal Insulation Coatings for Buildings Exterior Wall in Cold Regions

  15. 纤维水镁石对复合节能保温涂料性能的影响研究

    Influence of Fiber Brucite on Properties of Compound Energy-saving and Thermal Insulation Plaster

  16. 紫外光固化涂料是一种环保节能型涂料。

    Then ultraviolet curing coatings a kind of environmental conservation , energy saving coatings .

  17. 高辐射节能耐火涂料在冶金高温炉窑上应用的探索

    Application of high radiation energy saving refractory coating in metallurgical high temperature furnace and kiln

  18. 太阳热反射涂料是一种可以降低太阳辐射引起升温的节能型涂料。

    Solar reflective coating is a kind of functional coating that can reduce the temperature increase because of solar radiation .

  19. 介绍了节能红外涂料及粘结剂的组成与性能,提出炉子结构的若干改进,并阐述了扩大应用的方向.此项技术节能≥40%。

    The compositions and properties of energy-saving infrared coating and adhensive agent were introduced , some improvments on furnace construction were stated , and directions of enlarged application were discussed . This technique is with energy saving ≥ 40 % .

  20. 浅析了化学烟雾的组成及有机溶剂在涂料施工各阶段的排放比例。提出了涂料发展的原则,分析了环保型涂料及涂装工艺和节能型涂料及涂装工艺的内涵。

    This paper briefly discussed the composition of chemical smog and emission ratio of VOC at each application stage , proposed the developmental principle for coatings , and analyzed the connotation of green and energy saving paints and their coating technique .

  21. 节能高温耐火涂料的研制

    Manufacture of Fireproof Paint with High Temperature Energy Saving Properties

  22. 节能环氧粉末涂料和低温固化剂

    Low energy consumption epoxy powder coatings and their curing agents

  23. 高温节能复合陶瓷涂料的研制

    Development of composite high temperature and energy-saving ceramic coating

  24. 以丙烯酸乳液为基料,填充硼改性中空陶瓷微珠和红外辐射材料,并添加其它适宜的颜填料、助剂等,制备水性节能隔热彩瓦涂料。

    Aquosity concrete encaustic tile paint with energy saving and thermal insulation is prepared by taking polyacrylic emulsion as base material , filling boron modified hollow ceramic micro-sphere and infrared radiation material , and adding other proper accessory ingredients etc.

  25. 介绍了高辐射率涂料的节能机理、涂料的材料组成、结合剂的研制、涂料性质、节能效果及其计算。

    The mechanism of energy saving of the high radiant rate coating has been introduced . Compositions and characteristics of the coating have been analysed . In addition , the development of the combination agent , the effect of energy saving and the calculation have been discussed .