- Abstinence;temperance;continence
(1) [continence]
(2) 自我克制冲动或欲望
(3) 自我节制性交
Barring abstinence , use of a latex condom , consistently and correctly , is highly effective against HIV infection .
An expert on sex education programs , John Jemmott of the University of Pennsylvania , said some abstinence education programs may show promise .
But saves abstinence for the one person she really cares about ?
" In moderating , not satisfying , desires , lies peace "
However , apart from abstinence , no protective method is100 % effective .
Social conservatives have recently argued that abstinence until marriage builds character and self-control .
The value theory meaning of the Chinese traditional accomplishment point " to control desire "
Seductive as he is , he , too , is a model of restraint .
With temperance comes modesty , something that is not one of my personal best qualities .
Last time I looked at prudence ; now it 's time for a little temperance .
The way in regulating and guiding man 's social desire is against gastronomy , for abstinence ;
I am not necessarily a defender of " abstinence only " programs , at least not for older adolescents .
Now I 'm taking a look at the four Cardinal Virtues : justice , fortitude , prudence and temperance .
Even faith-based clinics that promote abstinence in line with White House policy have had to close , according to organizers .
Opponents got high-calibre ammunition recently when the most comprehensive study of abstinence education found no sign that it delays sexual activity .
Both Confucius ' " self-restraining " and Mencius ' " few desires " essentially focused on " controlling the desires " .
While the reasons are not all understood , Government data shows the trend began years before abstinence education became a multimillion-dollar enterprise .
In the history of square ethics in China and West , it has the appraisal of the ethics of consuming from ancient times .
These commonly find an increase in intentions to stay abstinent , but that does not necessarily mean teenagers will still follow the script a year later .
The head-in-the-sand philosophy that dictates abstinence-only as the sole type of sex education available to our young people is a dangerous stand that is putting them at risk .
In abandoning abstinence education , states have largely said that comprehensive sex education programs , which discuss contraception beyond the failure rates , have a better scientific grounding .
These include aspects of self-control , religion , postures , regulation of breath , restraint of senses , steadying of the mind , meditation , and profound thought .
He is hopeful about an abstinence curriculum that he has designed which , unlike many , tries to get teenagers to think long-term about their behaviour and its consequences .
Seen in this light , the function of Li mainly satisfies and controls people 's demand to some extent , cultivate one 's moral character and the society combine .
The report is too diplomatic , though , to mention what many think is the reason for this & a shift from proselytizing condom use to proselytizing abstinence before marriage and fidelity within it .
They accord to the different human nature : abstinence socialist consumption ethics based on moral humanity and rational humanity ; asceticism consumption ethics based on religious theory of human nature ; lust socialist consumption ethics based on natural humanity .
It is enough if each product contributes a fraction , commonly an insignificant one , towards the remuneration of that labour and abstinence , or towards indemnifying the immediate producer for advancing that remuneration to the person who produced the tools .
Huai-nan Zi advocated the importance of nourishing spirits on the way of achieving intuition recognition . It demands no wisdom , decreasing desire and keeping empty , calm and quiet spiritual state . And then it deleted the obstruction of preconception prevented by knowledge and experience .
We follow this theoretical approach in an analysis of the sexual attitudes , beliefs and behaviors of over 13,000 12 to 19 year olds who participated in a sexual education program promoting abstinence until marriage . Analysis on Sexual Behavior and Sexual Attitudes among Migrant Women Working in Recreation Places
But from orgies a people can take one path only , the path to Indian Buddhism , and in order that this may be endurable at all with its yearning for the nothing , it requires these rare ecstatic states with their elevation above space , time , and the individual .