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  • Ida;Ada;Edda
  1. 她还在等你吗?这位艾达蒙罗?

    Is she waitin ` for ya , this ADA monroe ?

  2. 葬礼结束后第二天早上,艾达又去了墓地。

    The next morning , Ada went to the grave again .

  3. 别自寻烦恼了,艾达。

    Don 't upset yourself , Ida .

  4. 乔治说:“艾达,你好吗?”她皱了一会儿眉头,然后才认出他。“乔治·布莱克,噢,我一直都不好。”

    George said , ' Ida , how are you ? ' She frowned for a moment and then recognition dawned . ' George Black . Well , I never . '

  5. 的确如此,艾达・莱克(IdaLyke)就因为被自己的猫咪西尔维斯特(Sylvester)咬伤而感到自责。

    Indeed , Ida Lyke blames herself for the bite she got from her cat Sylvester .

  6. 在悉尼出生,在伯克郡工作的企业家唐娜•艾达•桑顿(DonnaIdaThornton)专门开办了一家“牛仔诊所”——为女士们提供专家级的牛仔裤挑选指南。

    Sydney-born Berkshire-based entrepreneur Donna Ida Thornton runs innovative Denim Clinics , which provide a comprehensive masterclass in helping women find their perfect jeans match .

  7. 艾达在主人圣何塞州立大学退休教授BettyChu的照料下,作为北加利福利亚安哥拉协会的一员参加了在该州的巡回展览演出。

    Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professor emeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state for display in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .

  8. 我知道是他寄给你的,艾达。

    I know why he sent it to you , ida .

  9. 艾达:打扰一下,请问我可以用这台电脑吗?

    Ada : Excuse me , may I use this computer ?

  10. 艾达:可到时有谁会等着你呢?

    Ada : But then who 'll be waiting for you ?

  11. 艾达,我也能亲吗?

    Hi ida , can I have a kiss too ?

  12. 艾达别无选择,只能叹息着离开。

    Ida had no choice but to leave , sighing .

  13. 你在这里做什么,艾达提特?

    So what did you do here , IDA teeter ?

  14. 要是我眯起眼睛就能把他看成亚伦艾达。

    If I squint , I can pretend he 's Alan alda .

  15. 这个女人无法让人回想起艾达。

    That woman could not retroact and touch the memory of Ida .

  16. 她不是你妈妈,她是你的祖母艾达。

    She 's not your mother , she 's your great-aunt lda .

  17. 艾达来了以后,虽然一脸微笑但似乎有点紧张。

    When Ada arrived she was smiling but seemed nervous .

  18. 不要担心,艾达,会很好玩的。

    Dont worry , Ada , it will be fun .

  19. 艾达姨妈从加拿大过来参加葬礼?

    Aunt alda 's coming all the way from canada ?

  20. 艾达最小的儿子对书本毫无兴趣。

    Ida 's youngest son cares nothing about his books .

  21. 艾达已经向他们明确表示过她将要去那里了。

    Ada has made it clear to them that she is going there .

  22. 艾达用惊奇而敏锐的眼光望了一下面前的那群人。

    Ida cast a keen glance of surprise at the group before her .

  23. 艾达姨妈一定程度破坏了婚礼。

    Aunt Alda did kind of ruin the wedding .

  24. 火车离开时艾达挥手告别。

    Ada waved her hand as the train left .

  25. 谁会唱歌?艾达还是凯特。

    Who can sing songs , Ada or Kite .

  26. 我是巴黎人餐要的艾达小姐。

    This is Miss Ida from the Parisian Restaurant .

  27. 爱丽娜亲爱的艾达:谢谢你的邮件。

    Ada Thank you so much for your e-mail .

  28. 空气干燥,艾达感到喘不过气来。

    Ida was choking with the dry air .

  29. 不过艾达因为失明,所以从来没有学过骑自行车。

    But Ada had never learned to ride a bike . Ada was blind .

  30. 艾达公主的符咒失去了威力。

    Princess ida 's spell lost its potency .