
  • 网络the Essenes;Essene;the Essene sect
  1. 艾赛尼派教派认为物质的身体是灵魂的寺庙。

    The Essenes taught that the physical body was the temple of the soul .

  2. 艾赛尼派的首领朱蒂,与逗留在巴勒斯坦里的耶稣的关系如何呢?

    How closely was judy , the head of the essenes , associated with Jesus in his Palestine sojourn ?

  3. 艾赛尼派教徒正确的内涵是什么?

    Q.what is the correct meaning of the term essene ?

  4. 艾赛尼派教派,犹太人的,麦基冼德和基督教事实上是一脉相承的为人类的精神上的教导设定的世袭阶段。

    The Essene , Jewish , Melchizedek , and Christian lineages are , in truth , one lineage which sets the stage for spiritual teachings for humankind .

  5. 请描述一下艾赛尼派教派女人的数量是多少,说说她们享有的特权和对她们的限制,她们是如何加入的,她们的生活和工作是什么?

    Please describe the membership of the women in the Essene brotherhood , telling what privileges and restrictions they had , how they joined the order , and what their life and work was ?

  6. 在一些团体中目前实体的称谓是姐妹长者,指挥长,宛如艾赛尼派教徒和以此做准备的那些人。

    The entity was then what would be termed in the present in some organizations as a Sister Superior , as an Officer , as it were , in those of the Essenes and their preparations .