
  1. 艺术类院校大学生英语学习策略研究

    A Survey of English Learning Strategies Employed by Non-English Majors of Art Academies

  2. 自然拼读法在艺术类院校英语教学中的实验

    Natural Phonics Arts Colleges in the English Teaching

  3. 艺术类院校大学生获得避孕药具的主要途径前三位分别是药店、超市和自动售卖机。

    Three main ways of Art college students get contraceptives were pharmacy store , supermarkets and auto selling machine .

  4. 黑龙江省艺术类院校学生体质健康状况的现状及对策研究

    A Research on the Strategy and Actuality of Physical Health of Art College Students in Hei Long Jiang Province

  5. 对艺术类院校女生健美操课的几点思考自然拼读法在艺术类院校英语教学中的实验

    Some of the Ideas for The Arts Colleges Girls Aerobics Course ; Natural Phonics Arts Colleges in the English Teaching

  6. 本文讨论如何在特定地域环境的要求下,突出艺术类院校的特色,塑造个性化的校园空间。

    The essay is discussing how to emphasize the feature of art colleges and sculpture special campus spaces on certain region .

  7. 如果本研究具有可行性,作者希望借助本文的研究成果对今后的艺术类院校对于色彩课程的计划制定提供新的参考方案。

    If research possible also hope that through this research achievements on future art design institutes to colorific course plans offer new references .

  8. 文体艺术类院校学生自我报告性行为发生率为14.7%,其意外妊娠率(43.6%)为四类院校中最高。

    The incidence of sexual behavior in art academy was 14.7 % , and its accidental pregnancy incidence ( 43.6 % ) was the highest of all .

  9. 将自然拼读法首次应用于艺术类院校大学英语教学中,通过实验及测试,运用定量分析的方法,对自然拼读法在大学英语词汇教学中的应用问题进行研究。

    Applying Phonics Teaching Method into the English teaching of Art College students for the first time , the author makes a study through experiments and tests by the way of quantitative analysis .

  10. 本文从人文素质教育的角度论述了大学语文在艺术类院校开设的重要性,并从教学观念、教学内容、教学方法的革新等方面探讨了艺术类院校大学语文教学的改革与探索。

    This paper discusses the significance of opening college Chinese courses in artistic colleges from the view of humanistic quality education , and explores the reform and development of college Chinese teaching in artistic colleges based on the renovation of teaching concept and content and innovation of teaching approaches .

  11. 综合艺术类高职院校教学计划修订的思考和实践

    Thoughts on and Practice of Teaching Plan Revision in Vocational Colleges of Comprehensive Arts

  12. 艺术类高职院校用户信息需求调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Users ' Demand for Information in Artistic Higher Vocational Colleges

  13. 作为网页设计的一部分&我国艺术类专业院校网页也必须适应其发展趋势。

    As part of the web page design - China Art professional institutions website also must adapt to the development trend .

  14. 高等教育机构包括大学,学院以及艺术类专科院校,工艺学校以及职业高等教育学校。

    Institutions of higher education include universities , faculties , and academies of arts , polytechnics and schools of professional higher education .

  15. 随着社会的发展和舞蹈事业的繁荣,舞蹈编导这个专业已经成为了各艺术类专业院校必不可少的重要组成部分,并成功的为社会输送了大量的创作人才。

    With the development of modern society and the prosperity of dance industry , choreography major has become a crucial component of many colleges and faculties of arts and has cultivated many talents .

  16. 水彩风景画是艺术家们钟爱的一种表现形式,具有材料简便、手法多样、效果明显的特点,目前艺术类的高等院校普遍开设有这门课程。

    Watercolor landscape is a form that artists dote on , with characteristics of simple material , diversified approach and obvious effect . At present , the arts institutions of higher learning open this course in general .

  17. 在艺术类人才合理需求和社会非理性因素的双重驱动下,报考艺术类专业的学生日渐增多,艺术类院校开始扩大招生规模。

    Driven by the reasonable demand for art talents and unreasonable social factors , students applying for art major are gradually on the increase and art colleges begin to expand its enrollment scale .