
  1. 2006全球化视野中的艺术史论国际学术研讨会综述

    A survey of 2006 International Conference on Art History Theory in Globalization

  2. 艺术史论在袁运甫这样一位有突出成就的艺术家的全部实践中居于重要地位。

    Thought on the history of art occupies an important place in the whole practice of a remarkable artist , Yuan Yunfu .

  3. 设计艺术专业史论课程教学改革探议

    Research on Reforming Teaching of Courses on History and Theory in Design Art

  4. 艺术设计史论的新教材&凌继尧等的《艺术设计十五讲》

    A New Textbook of the Artistic Designing History & Fifteen Chapters on the Artistic Designing by LING Ji-yao , etc.

  5. 美国芝加哥艺术学院美术史论与攻讦系主任。

    Art critic and historian , School of the Art Institute of Chicago .

  6. 而象征型艺术作为黑格尔艺术发展史论的第一个环节,就与人的意识最初是如何借助形象来显现的这一问题有密切联系。

    Symbolic form of art as the first phase in the development of art is closely connected to the question how human consciousness is presented with the help of image .

  7. 由东南大学985工程科技伦理与艺术哲学社会科学创新基地联合上海大学等单位举办的2006全球化视野中的艺术史论国际研讨会于2006年5月19-21日在上海大学召开。

    The 2006 International Conference on Art History Theory in Globalization was held at Shanghai University on May 19-21, 2006.The conference was jointly launched by Shanghai University and the innovative base for philosophy and social science which is in the 985 project of Southeast University .