
  • 网络Art Discoveries;An Artistic Discovery
  1. 在艺术发现阶段,他突出了感悟的作用;

    In the stage of art-discovery , Lin stresses the role of self-realizing ;

  2. 日常生活→艺术发现→艺术反思的路径表明:对日常生活的艺术反思,既能推动发现生活美、又能凸现生活美;既能挖掘新的艺术形式,又能扩展新的艺术内涵;

    The artistic reflection on daily life can promote the discovery of life beauty as well as accentuate the beauty of life , and can bring the functions of new artistic forms into full play as well as enrich the new artistic connotation .

  3. 这是一辆在北京798艺术区发现的灰色宝马Z4跑车,看起来与正常车没什么区别。

    It was spotted in the798 art district of Beijing and looks to be a common grey BMW Z4 M Coupe parked unusually .

  4. 艺术馆发现一具被一枪致命的尸体

    A body was found in an art gallery shot point blank .

  5. 另外有人在艺术上发现了激情,从不放弃一次能够了解最新展出的机会。

    Others find passion in art and never miss an opportunity to check out the latest exhibition .

  6. 几乎就在500年前的今天,艺术界发现,自己为之困惑了几百年的肖像难题有了巧妙的答案。

    Five hundred years ago , almost to the day , the world of art discovered a subtle solution to an iconographic puzzle with which it had been struggling for several centuries .

  7. 充满生机、活力的自然之美是他感悟生命自由的沃土,对自然的生存感悟是其感性基础,传统自然文化/艺术的发现为其理论根基;

    Beauty of nature full of vigor and energy is the soil upon which he realizes life freedom , the realization to existence of natrue is its sentimental foundation , and the discovery of traditional natural cultrue / art is its theory of foundations ;

  8. 油画是他的第一个爱好,但他战后在伦敦斯雷德(slade)艺术学校中发现自己更喜欢雕刻,那也是他最出名的艺术形式。

    Painting was his first interest , but during his time at Slade art school in London after the war he found that he preferred sculpture , the medium he is best known for .

  9. 专家们在艺术收藏品中发现几件赝品。

    The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection .

  10. 综上所述,通过艺术你可以发现一种个人的、感性的历史观。

    In summary , through art you can find a personal and emotional view of history .

  11. 警方在知名的网站上监控了交易记录,并咨询了艺术历史学家之后发现这些作品纯属赝品。

    The fraud was discovered after police monitored payment transactions on well-known websites and by consulting art historians .

  12. 文章认为,新闻报道不是证实的艺术,而是发现的艺术。

    This essay argues that news coverage is not the art of confirmation , but the art of discovery .

  13. 在这个冬天以前,我信仰外界的事物,信仰在自然与艺术中所发现的美。

    Until this winter , I believed in outward things , in beauty as I found it in nature and art .

  14. 今天的艺术从业者试图发现这个隐藏的通过巧妙运用造型和摄影图像点燃世界的导火索。

    Today 's art directors delve into this tinder , igniting hidden worlds through the subtle use of styling and photographic imagery .

  15. 这一切都使得我们只能敬畏之。然而你可以在宗教艺术中经常发现描绘圣人,或者圣母玛利亚的作品-竭力展现出其迷人的一面-虽然并不经常。

    And yet you will see in religious art , saints or the Virgin Mary will often be portrayed-not always-in glamorous forms .

  16. 贴出自己的艺术创作或发现他人的艺术创作是一回事,但艺术界的核心问题是,这款应用到底能够促成多少真正的艺术品交易。

    Posting or discovering art is one thing , but the central question circulating around the art world is how many actual art sales are generated by the app .

  17. 在中国的城市景观艺术现状中发现景观规划的真实目的,将景观规划设计与其他各相关学科相结合,并且通过提高人自身的素质来实现景观规划设计,营造城市环境人性化。

    The landscape planning true purpose was found in the present art situation of Chinese urban landscape . The landscape planning design and the urban environmental humanization was constructed through combining the landscape planning design with other every correlative subjects , and raising the human being self quality .

  18. 艺术能使我们发现自己,同时也能使我们失去自己。

    Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time .

  19. 王薇很小就喜欢上了艺术,当时她发现自己在绘画上有天份。

    Wang got interested in art at a very young age when she realised her talents in drawing .

  20. 但是,在艺术领域和探索发现时是允许失败的,因为这是需要运气的。

    But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration , because it 's a leap of faith .

  21. 艺术史研究需要发现艺术创作背后的一些独特的心理因素和世界观念。

    The study of the History of Art needs to find the unique concept of psychological factors and the world beyond the art .

  22. 这个素描是阐释在盆景和摄影艺术中理解、发现和运用动感效应的理想素材。

    This sketch is ideal for illustrating the purpose of , understanding , finding and using movement in Art , bonsai and photography .

  23. 回顾美学和艺术史,我们发现作为美的艺术与宗教和哲学都是理性的显现,只不过它们各自的显现方式不同。

    Looking back the history of art and aesthetics , the art as aesthetics , religion and philosophy are manifestation of the reason in different ways .

  24. 是说了批评因为一味迎合大众,而导致真正的艺术没有被大众发现,所以对艺术没有好处。

    In sum , although critics can help us understand and appreciate art , their unresponsive and incorrect critique may also cause the real art being overlooked .

  25. 在中国当代艺术中,我们发现这样一种现象,不管从形式上还是就内容来看,在艺术创作中,丑成了一个重要的描写对象。

    In the modern art of China , we have discovered a phenomenon . No matter in form or content , ugliness becomes an important description object .

  26. 自从新疆阿斯塔那墓的古代艺术遗迹被相继发现以来,引起了中外学界的广泛关注,研究成果不断涌现。

    Since the ancient art of Xinjiang Astana remains were discovered one after another has caused widespread concern in both Chinese and foreign scholars , research results are emerging .

  27. 最近,美国的一位私人收藏家在英国伦敦新邦迪街一家名为惠特菲尔德珍品艺术的店中发现了这副画,并断定它是萨托的作品。

    It remained in a collection in New England until it was recently bought by an American collector , who thought it was by Andrea and consulted Clovis Whitfield , who runs Whitfield Fine Art .

  28. 纵观国内同类戏曲艺术的兴衰,发现戏曲发展中有一些深层的东西,对云南花灯来说,无论是社会本身还是云南花灯本身,它的发展都很值得让人期待。

    Throughout the rise and fall of similar artistic operas , drama development found in some deep stuff , Yunnan lantern , for both the society itself or the Yunnan lantern itself , its development are worth expecting .

  29. 比较意大利新现实主义电影与中国三四十年代电影在题材、背景、风格等方面的差异,探索它们不同的电影艺术传统,能够发现中外电影深层的一些本质区别。

    The paper attempts to compare the theme , background and style of Italy new-realism movies and those of Chinese movies and to analyze the difference in movie art traditions between these two countries . And then to find out some deep essential difference .

  30. 最后,本文将彝族头饰的装饰与造型、材质等要素与彝族服装艺术相联系,发现彝族头饰艺术是与其服装相互协调的,具有统一美与和谐美。

    Finally , a unified coordination was found between Yi headdress art and clothing by considering the relation of the essential factors of modelling , material quality of Yi national minority head ornaments and its clothing art . It has a unified beauty and harmonious beauty .