
sè zhěn
  • Color diagnosis;colour inspection;inspection of the color of the skin
色诊 [sè zhěn]
  • [inspection of the color of the skin] 诊疗内容之一。是观察颜面肤色的变化以了解病情的方法

色诊[sè zhěn]
  1. 中医色诊研究及光子学技术在色诊中的应用

    Study of Colour Inspection of TCM and Application of Photonics on Colour Inspection

  2. 慢性乙型重型肝炎肝脾血瘀证色诊客观化研究

    The objective study on color inspection on chronic liver failure with HBV

  3. 中医藏象理论在色诊中的应用

    Theory of Visceral Manifestation Applied in Color Observation in TCM

  4. 目的:探讨爪甲色诊与甲床光电血管容积图的关系。

    Objective : To observe the relationship between the fingernail colour and the photoplethysmogram .

  5. 结果:1.面部色诊理论起源于《黄帝内经》,后世医家多有阐扬。

    Results : 1 . Facial color diagnosis theory originated in " Huang Di Nei Jng ", later and more physicians are speaking out clearly .

  6. 应用现代科技手段研究面部色诊,在客观化、定量化方面取得了很多成绩,但尚存在诸多不足。

    Application of modern technology of facial color diagnosis , in the objectivity , has made a lot of quantitative results , but there are still many deficiencies . 5 .

  7. 使用先进可靠的研究手段,科学严谨的实验设计对常人面色特征进行研究,是面部色诊研究中一项最为基础而重要的工作。

    The use of advanced and reliable means of research , science and rigorous experimental design features of the ordinary people looking to study in the face of color attending one of the most basic and important work .

  8. 结论:1.各部光电血流容积常值比较的研究,印证了心华在面、面部色诊分区、鼻分属于脾、体表&内脏相关的中医理论。

    Conclusions : 1 . Ministries optical blood volume relatively constant study confirms the " mind in the face ," " face-color consultation area ", " nose belonged to the spleen ," " surface-visceral " in TCM theory . 2 .

  9. 应用光电血流容积技术对常人面色特征进行研究,可能是面部色诊研究的突破口,并实现面部色诊客观化,为中医病证研究提供客观指标和实验基础。

    Application of optical techniques blood volume characteristics of ordinary people looking to study , may be a breakthrough in facial color diagnosis research , and consultation to achieve the objective of facial color for TCM research evidence and the basis of objective indicators .

  10. 认为色部定位是色诊的基础和关键理论,也是当前色诊客观化的关键问题;

    A positioning of complexion is the basic and the key techniques of skin color inspection .