- dispersion relation

Exact dispersion relation for TM waves guided by nonlinear three-layer planar waveguide
The dispersion relation near the mode-conversion layer significantly depends on kH , species concentration , and plasma density .
The dispersion relations of the spin waves in a A ~ B ferromagnetic bilayer system
The relationship of angular frequency co and wave vector k can determine the dispersion relations of plasma .
Theoretical Proof of Taylor 's Expansion to Dispersive Relation with Small Wave-number
Influence of atomic coherence on the absorption - dispersion relation in V - type energy - level scheme
A nonlinear dispersion relation is derived for the homogeneous , magnetized plasmas by the conventional " ponderomotive force " method .
In virtue of phonons dispersion relation , we discuss the specific heat of ( n × n ) GaAs / AlAs superlattice at different temperatures .
In this paper , the dispersive characteristics of SAW propagating along the Si direction on the two-layered structure were studied in detail .
The Cauchy Integral of Many Complex Variables , Passive Operators and Multidimensional Dispersion Relations
Many of the studies of the dispersion relation are contacted with the macro Navier-Stokes methods .
The results show that the AU and CU share the similar phonon spectrum , inducing the thermal conductance between these two materials is comparable .
The PhC should exhibit the negative refraction to the TE electromagnetic wave with normalized frequency of0.5263 by analyzing its dispersion .
Time-dependent variational approach to dispersion relation of the quantum Klein-Gordon model
A new feature will be exhibited in the absorption-dispersion relation if quantum coherence is induced by an external field in the medium consisting of atoms of V-type energy-level configuration .
Exact dispersion relations for TM waves guided by thin dielectric films covered on one or two sides media of intensity-dependent refractive indexes have been derived .
The results show that the energy gaps between the up and down branches of the GP dispersions shift downwards as the light intensity increases .
Numerical calculation of TEm mode dispersion relation and evolution in three-layered slab waveguide is presented . A linear dielectric layer is bounded by two nonlinear dielectric layers .
The dispersion relation of linear gravity waves on a semi-infinite incompressible Voigt viscoelastic fluid is studied .
A general formula of the dispersion relation of Rayleigh Taylor instability for the ideal fluid with the state equation , which is an arbitrary pressure of density function is given .
Under the condition of qc > > ω, the simplified form of frequency dispersion relation for polar phonons is obtained and applied to TGS single crystals .
The linear dispersion relationship between bulk and surface polaritons is investigated and discussed by a uniaxial antiferromagnetic film in Otto configuration .
The dispersive relationships of light wave in dissipative chiral medium are investigated by use of Maxwell 's classical electromagnetic theory combining with the constitutive relation of the chiral medium .
Plasma waves are the collective motion modes of many particles in the plasma . The relationship of angular frequency ω and the wave vector k can determine the dispersion relations of plasma waves , which are fundamental in studying instabilities .
Finally , the characteristic of nonlinear TM waves propagating in five-layer nonlinear waveguide is analyzed elementarily . The approximate analytical solution is presented based on the characteristic of TM_0 , the dispersion relations is given .
Finally , using singular value decomposition ( SVD ) of frequency domain field component , the mode field component distribution , dispersive relation and energy conversion are obtained as well .
It is found that the dispersion relations of IO phonons and the electron interface phonon coupling functions are complicated functions of wave vector and that the phonons with long wavelengths are important .
The dispersion relations of ULF / ELF waves in ionospheric Alfv é n resonator under different ionospheric conditions is discussed by establishing appropriate level-layered ionosphere model .
By using periodical condition the dispersion relation is obtained for 1D infinitely periodical photonic crystal composed of SNG or DNG .
It is shown that the complex dispersion relations , for both TE and TM waves , are strongly power dependent and , most importantly , the bistability phenomena will no longer exist if the absorptive loss is high enough .