
liáng tián
  • fertile farmland;good farmland;good field
良田 [liáng tián]
  • [good farmland;fertile farmland] 肥沃的田地

  • 千里良田

良田[liáng tián]
  1. 然而在城市化的进程中,有很多良田已被建筑物长期占用。

    However , in the process of urbanization , there are many fertile farmland occupied by the buildings .

  2. 他们不仅依靠自身具备的丰富的农业生产技术开垦了大片良田,而且还帮助兄弟民族开凿水渠,传授农业技术。

    Not only did they open up vast fertile farmland by wealth agriculture experience , but also help other nations to dug ditches and pass on agricultural technology .

  3. 他耕种了200英亩良田。

    He farmed 200 acres of prime arable land .

  4. 良田短缺。

    Good agricultural land is in short supply .

  5. 昔日的荒地今天成了良田。

    The formerly [ once ] barren land has been changed into stretches of fertile fields .

  6. 如果把这块湿地的水排干,这块地就会成为良田。

    If this wet land was drained , it would be good farmland .

  7. CX170-1井位于川西平原,周围良田环绕。

    CX170-1 well , surrounded by good farmland , located in Chuanxi plain .

  8. 几年之内他们就把荒地变成了良田

    Within a few year they have transferred barren waste into fertile field

  9. 经过几年的努力,这些贫瘠的土地终于变成了良田。

    After years'effort , the barren land has been turned into fertile fields .

  10. 我们有七十英亩灌溉良田。

    We had seventy acres of good irrigated land .

  11. 他们想找一小块儿良田准备种土豆。

    They are looking for a good plot of land to grow potatoes .

  12. 良田远离滔滔巨浪,身披新绿亭亭玉立。

    Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood , Stand dressed in living green .

  13. 这一带土地已变为可耕良田。

    The land around here has been cultivated .

  14. 他们把荒地改变为良田。

    They converted deserted land into good fields .

  15. 农民们历尽艰辛把贫瘠之地变成了多产的良田。

    The farmers have taken strenuous pains to turn the barren land into productive fields ;

  16. 合理地以桥代路,节省良田是对人民的一大奉献

    Properly replace railway by bridge and economize on good farmland & a great contribution for people

  17. 转基因食物的支持者描绘出一幅美好的画面,沙漠变良田;

    Proponents of genetically modified foods paint a rosy picture of deserts turned to arable land ;

  18. 世界不缺少良田,很有希望实现上述目标。

    The world has no shortage of fertile land and every prospect of meeting that target .

  19. 但愿我活着见不到这些良田都成了建筑工地的那一天。

    May I never live to see the day when these fields are turned into building plots .

  20. 这里有多良田,特别是在南部和沿着东部海岸部分。

    There is much good farmland especially in the south and along the east coast of England .

  21. 万顷良田项目中农村居民点拆迁及城镇化模式探讨&以江都市小纪镇为例

    Discussion on Relocation Compensation of Rural Residential Area and the Urbanization Mode in Million Hectares of Fertile Farmland Project

  22. 许多良田已经被抢走了,新法律仅仅是保护抢夺者的所得而已。

    Much good land has already been grabbed , and the new law will merely protect the grabbers ' gains .

  23. 由于使用了灌溉法,犹太人将内盖夫沙漠的部分地区变成了肥沃的良田。

    By using irrigation , the Israelis have turned parts of the Negev Desert into a land of milk and honey .

  24. 短期内,缺水、良田减少和农业生产率增长放缓等将是关键问题。

    In the short-term , water scarcity , loss of fertile land and slowing agricultural productivity growth will be the key problems .

  25. 有喇叭状紫红色大花和有毒种子的欧洲一年生植物;良田和路边的杂草;美洲已经引种。

    European annual having large trumpet-shaped reddish-purple flowers and poisonous seed ; a common weed in grainfields and beside roadways ; naturalized in america .

  26. 屯门东方兽医诊所,香港新界屯门良田新村103号地下。

    Tuen Mun Oriental Veterinary Clinic , G / F , 103 Leung Tin San Tsuen , Tuen Mun , New Territories , Hong Kong .

  27. 由于工业和城市扩张不断蚕食农村地区,良田也很稀缺,政府不得不下令限制农用地开发。

    Fertile land is also scarce as expanding industries and cities have engulfed the countryside , forcing the government to impose restrictions on Development on farmland .

  28. 不仅减少了矿山剥离量,确保了矿山生产的安全,同时也保护了边坡外大片良田免受边坡坍塌破坏。

    It can not only reduce the stripping amount and guarantee the safety of production , but also prevent the fertileland neighboring the side slope from collapsing and damaging .

  29. 耕地减少的幅度较大,达18399.29hm2,主要转变为建设用地;且减少的耕地多为位置相对优越,产量较高的优质良田;

    The cultivated land area was decreased by 18 399.29 hm ~ 2 , which changed mainly into construction land and had the high quality with the plain location ;

  30. 以广州市白云区良田坑景观整治设计为例,阐述如何从和谐、生态的角度和方法对河涌进行景观整治设计。

    Through the landscape repair and design of Liangtian River , Baiyun Area of Guangzhou , the thesis presents a way in harmony and ecology for river landscape design and repair .