- 网络Principal Dimensions

Optimization Design of Ship Principal Dimensions Based on Improved Game Theory
Application of Maximum-entropy Technique to Optimizing Ship Principal Dimensions
In accordance with the characteristics and conditions of the solution of ship main dimension optimization , the paper discusses several problems in the application of SA algorithm and at the same time makes a comparison between SA algorithm and simplicity approach .
Global optimization of ship main dimensions by simulated annealing algorithm
Application of Fuzzy Mathematical Programming for Techno-economical Analysis of Ship 's Main Dimensions
Regression Analysis on the Main Dimensions of Ships
In this paper , the DE algorithm was expanded to solve the mixed variables , restricted principal dimensions optimization .
The goal of designing an optimal ship form with minimum resistance is a research emphasis for ship designers when main dimensions , displacement and ship speed are offered .
Presents a new method , using maximum-entropy technique with external penalty technique and two kinds of direct search methods , to solve problems of multi-objective optimizing ship principal dimensions with man-machine interaction program system .
The situation of demands for the Hudong type of Panama oil tankers in the international shipping market , the analysis of ship main principles , the ship hull design and the shipping economy are introduced in the paper .
The definition of ship main dimensions , the mathematical model of the relationship among the main dimensions of large tankers ( above 50,000 tons ) and the mathematical method used for establishing mathematical model are introduced in this paper .
The ship integrated design includes the determination of ship principal dimensions and ship form coefficients , the design of ship molded lines and equipment layout , the calculation of ship performance and so on .