
chuán jí
  • ship's classification;ship's class
船级[chuán jí]
  1. DOT认证和英国劳埃德船级社认证。

    Classification society Approved by DOT and Certificate of Approval from Lloyds Register of Shipping .

  2. 我们的产品先后荣膺API认证、挪威船级社ISO9001质量体系认证等专业资质。

    Our products have consecutively won API certification and DNV ISO9001 quality-system certification .

  3. 同时,我要感谢NK船级社,本轮的准时交付离不开你们审图人员和现场验船师的汗水。

    Meanwhile , I must appreciate NK , we can 't deliver the vessel timely without site surveyors'sweat .

  4. 中国船级社(CCS)一直致力于提高和完善自身的疲劳评估和设计水平。

    The China Classification Society has being committed herself to improve her own level of fatigue assessment and design .

  5. 基于VISUALBASIC平台,融合计算机技术、海底管线力学理论,依据中国船级社和中国石油相关设计标准,采用面向对象的程序开发方法,开发设计了海洋管道设计技术软件(简称PDT)。

    Based on Visual Basic platform , computer technology , pipeline mechanics , the design standard of CCS and CNPC are used and we developed the offshore pipeline design technology software ( PDT ) .

  6. 总之,本文论述的CCS陆地业务拓展这一问题,将对中国船级社的总体发展起到一定的推动作用,对相关企业的发展有重要的意义。

    In a word , the question of CCS continental business discussed will move forward the general development of CCS and related companies .

  7. SY与挪威船级社将对任何一开始就交换到其他货船上的电机进行澄清。

    Any exchange of motors to other vessels than as from the beginning will be clarified between SY and DNV .

  8. 英国劳氏船级社(LR)成立于1760年,是世界上第一家船舶入级及检验机构。

    Lloyd 's Register was established in1760 as the world 's leading independent classi ? cation and inspection authority for shipping and engineering .

  9. 公司已通过ISO9001–2000国际质量体系认证,及中国船级社和挪威船级社认可。

    The company has passed ISO9001-2000 international quality system certification , and the China Classification Society and Det Norske Veritas approved .

  10. 于1999年1月15日通过中国船级社质量认证并获得ISO9001质量认证证书。

    She passed the conformity assessment by China Classification Society Quality Assurance LTD. and gained the certificate on Jan 15 , 1999 .

  11. 在本文中采用了三种船级社的规范来进行比较,分别是:ABS,BV和DNV并针对几条实船作了计算分析和讨论。

    In this thesis , three Classification Societies ( i.e. ABS , BV , and DNV ) rules are applied for discussion of this procedure .

  12. 介绍了根据中国船级社《船载航行数据记录仪检验指南》而设计的VDR音频采集记录子系统。

    This paper introduces the design of VDR audio sampling and recording subsystem according to Test Guide of Voyage Data Recorder of CCS .

  13. 然后,重点阐述了中国船级社陆上业务开展情况,其中包括CCS所采用的ISO9000质量管理体系、工程及机电监理、公估、公正等检验。

    Secondly , we set forward situation of CCS continental business , including ISO9000 Quality Management System , engineering and machinery supervisor , notarial survey and so on .

  14. 最后,根据挪威船级社的火灾危害计算分析结果,提出了减小LNG接收站火灾危害风险的措施。

    In the end , according to the fire hazards analysis results done by DNV , some countermeasures of reducing the risk of fires damaged to LNG receiving terminal have been recommended here .

  15. 介绍了中国船级社(CCS)有关指南文件中船体结构屈曲强度校核的直接计算方法,并与国外船级社的计算法作了比较。

    This paper describes the plate panel buckling strength assessment method for direct calculation of ship structure and its calculation method developed by China Classification Society ( CCS ) .

  16. 国际一流船级社是CCS(中国船级社)几代人共同的梦想,也是中国造船和航运界共同的期盼。

    To build into a well advanced international classification society has been the dream of several generations of CCS people and also the common expectation of the Chinese shipbuilding and shipping industries .

  17. 中国船级社(CCS)为IACS的成员之一,已进行不懈而有效的努力,以适应国际海事发展的需要。

    As one of the IACS members , China Classification Society ( CCS ) has made effective efforts for keeping up with development of international shipping industry .

  18. 文章介绍了挪威船级社DNV安全评估软件的作用及其安全评估的方法和流程,同时阐述了此软件对保证海上油气生产设施安全生产的重要性以及在应用中应注意的问题。

    The importance of the software for ensuring the safety of offshore oil and gas production and the notable matters of the software application are described .

  19. NAUTICUS系统是挪威船级社(DNV)开发的集成系统软件包,涉及规范校核、疲劳评估、结构分析等各个方面。

    NAUTICUS system is a integrated software produced by DNV , including rule checking , fatigue assessment and structure analysis etc.

  20. 中国船级社共同结构规范计算软件CSR-SDP

    Common structural rule computation software CSR-SDP of China Classification Society

  21. 中国船级社《钢质内河船舶入级与建造规范》中第15章双体船船体结构补充规定中指出具有船长大于60m等情况的双体船应由直接计算确定结构尺寸。

    There are several instances prescribed by Chapter 15 & catamaran structure supplement prescript in CCS " freshwater ship class and building criterion " which need to be calculated directly .

  22. 为了进一步提高舰船级维修能力,探讨了将交互式电子技术手册IETM(InteractiveElectronicTechnicalManual)技术应用于舰船级维修中的便携式维修辅助PMA(PortableMaintenanceAids)设备的方法,研究了其潜在优势。

    In order to enhance the capability of warship class maintenance , the method of putting the IETM ( Interactive Electronic Technical Manual ) into the PMA ( Portable Maintenance Aids ) in warship class maintenance is discussed and the potential of its application is investigated .

  23. 其次,全面介绍了JTP的特点和基本内容,并与中国船级社油船规范的相关内容作了对比说明。

    Technical characteristics and general content about JTP common rules are introduced and compared with CCS structural rules for oil tankers .

  24. 中国船级社质量认证公司(CSQA)

    China Classification Society Quality Assurance Ltd ( CSQA )

  25. 2001年至2004年,中国石化海上石油工程技术检验站与挪威船级社(DNV)成功地对胜利浅海海域的三座平台进行了量化风险评估。

    From 2001 to 2004 , Offshore Petroleum Engineering Survey of SINOPEC and DNV have performed a successful risk assessment for three platforms that located in Shengli offshore area .

  26. 本论文针对船舶压载水管理公约生效后中国船级社(CCS)对现有船舶如何实施公约的对策进行了研究。

    The paper discusses China Classification Society ( CCS ) how to deal with the problems of existing ship , when the International Convention for the Control and Management of ship 's Ballast Water and Sediments become effective .

  27. 编写过程中,吸收了主机制造商苏尔寿及英国船级社劳氏、挪威DNV船级社、法国BV船级社关于主机和轴系校中计算及安装等问题处理的方法和技术。

    In this article , the way of calculation , installation and problem handling , quoted of Sulzer , the main engine maker , and classification societies like Lloyd 's , DNV and BV are referred .

  28. 为了使IETM能更好地服务于舰船级维修,根据舰船级维修的特点和需求,针对目前已处于先进水平的第4级IETM提出进一步功能增值的要求,并拓展其功能模块。

    In order to enable IETM to serve the warship class maintenance better , the function increase demand of the fourth IETM which is already advanced is put forward with the function modules extended .

  29. 该计算法的论点和原理已被英国LR船级社所认可,认为是符合国际公约和规则要求的。

    The thesis and principle of this new calculation method has been acce - pted by Lloyd 's Register of Shipping ( LR ) with the conclusions that this method complies with the requirements of relevant international conventio - ns and codes .

  30. 主要介绍国际船级社协会(IACS)推荐的机械接头的型式、要求、应用条件以及对机械接头产品试验的具体要求。

    In this paper , the types , requirements , and application conditions together with the products testing requirements for mechanical joints recommended by International Association of Classification Society ( IACS ) are introduced .