
  • 网络spacesuit;extravehicular activity;emu
  1. 阐述了舱外航天服在航天员出舱活动(EVA)过程中的作用、舱外航天服工效设计对保障航天员生命安全和EVA质量的意义,以及航天服设计必须考虑的各类因素。

    The function of extravehicular spacesuit in extravehicular activity ( EVA ), the means of extravehicular spacesuit work efficiency design to lifeguard for astronaut and EVA quality , and various factors considered in the design were presented in this paper .

  2. 太空环境中舱外航天服的外层防护问题

    Issues on the Out-layer Protection of Spacesuit in Space Environment

  3. 对经济增加值(EVA)的思考舱外航天服温控系统的研究现状与展望

    Reflection on EVA The Present Status and Development of Thermal Control System of Spacesuits for

  4. 舱外航天服红外笼标定试验及其修正计算

    Calibration Test of Space Suit in Infrared Cage and correction analysis

  5. 舱外航天服的轨道空间外热流计算方法

    A Method of Calculating External Heat Flux on Spacesuit Used for EVA

  6. 舱外航天服热设计技术

    Thermal design technology of space suit used for extravehicular activity

  7. 舱外航天服热控系统仿真

    A simulation of EVA space suit thermal control system

  8. 舱外航天服热平衡试验的外热流模拟方法

    The Simulation Method for Heat Flux in the Thermal Balance Test of Space Suit

  9. 3种温度标准下的舱外航天服手套的工效评价试验研究

    Experimental Investigations of Work Efficiency Evaluation of EVA Spacesuit Glove under Three Temperature Standards

  10. 舱外航天服手套的工效问题

    Ergonomics implications of extravehicular activity spacesuit glove

  11. 人工神经网络技术在舱外航天服自动温控系统中的应用

    Application of artificial neural networks technics to automatic thermal control system for EVA space suits

  12. 结论本文结果可为有效地评价舱外航天服手套系统作业疲劳提供可行的方法,具有一定的实际意义和应用价值。

    Conclusion The results can provide the feasible methods for performance evaluation of spacesuit glove system .

  13. 结论验证了该舱外航天服的液冷服结构参数选取较为合理。

    Conclusion The design of the LCG for the EVA space suit was found to be reasonable .

  14. 目的探讨对舱外航天服手套进行主动加热是否会对舱外手动作业的工效造成影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of active heating system for spacesuit gloves on extravehicular working performance .

  15. 目的探索科学而实用的舱外航天服手套基础性工效评价的人体力学优选指标。

    Objective To search for scientific and applicable human-mechanical optimum indices for basic ergonomic evaluation of spacesuit gloves .

  16. 舱外航天服手套的温度标准对于液冷通风服的设计也具有实用的参考意义。

    The temperature standards of EVA spacesuit glove have practical reference purpose to design liquid and ventilation cooling garment .

  17. 分析了舱外航天服在轨道空间环境的辐射换热热流。

    The orbital radiation heat flux received by the spacesuit used for extravehicular activity ( EVA ) is analyzed .

  18. 进行了舱外航天服的被动热防护性设计,了解其空间辐射换热及空间热流。

    Space radiation heat transfer and heat flux through extravehicular spacesuit must be solved for the design of the spacesuit passive thermal protection .

  19. 在这样的速度下,一个1厘米的碎片就可以把拥有各种防护功能的飞船打穿一个洞。航天员的舱外航天服更经不起碰撞。

    Under this speed , a1cm debris can damage the space craft with all kinds of protects , much less the EVA suits astronaut wearing .

  20. 目的建立实用的手动作业的疲劳评价方法,为舱外航天服手套的作业疲劳评价提供可行分方法。

    Objective To find a biomechanical evaluation methods of manual performance fatigue , for providing the feasible methods for the hand fatigue of spacesuit glove .

  21. 研究穿着舱外航天服的航天员工作空间是航天人机工程的重要课题,也是我国神州任务下一步的工作重点。

    Study on astronauts with Extravehicular Maneuvering Unit ( EMU ) is an important problem for space ergonomics and the next research focus for SHENZHOU project in our country .

  22. 研究结果表明,对舱外航天服这类几何结构不规则压力容器,优化铰链配置可以改善结构内力分布,减小由结构发生局部塑性变形而引起的结构残余内力。

    The results demonstrate that the optimal configuration of the hinges of the irregular shaped pressure vessel can reduce the residual internal force as a result of the structural plastic deformation .

  23. 舱外航天服既要为航天员提供基本的生命保障,还应具有高的活动性能,尤其是上肢的活动性能,是航天员能够有效地完成各种舱外作业的保证。

    EVA spacesuit provides not only life security system for astronaut but also excellent movability performance , especially the movability performance of upper limbs can ensure astronauts to complete EVA tasks smoothly .

  24. 在一定太阳照射方向下,飞船及地球对航天服的太阳反射角系数。与文献数据比较,证明此方法计算舱外航天服空间外热流适用性强,结果准确、可靠,能满足工程使用要求。

    It shows that the method is applicable and the results obtained are accurate and reliable as compared with data of References , so as to entirely meet the requirement of engineering application .

  25. 两名航天员离别穿国产和俄罗斯舱外航天服进入轨道舱。俄罗斯专家将提供技术支持。

    Two astronauts who are scheduled to perform the extravehicular activities ( EVA ) will each wear the Orlan and the Fetian suit , and Russian experts will provide technical support for the process .

  26. 针对舱外航天服手臂的特殊软关节结构和多自由度的特点,提出基于最近邻的快速逆运动学解法,能够保证在任何测量位置都会得到航天服关节角度的近似解。

    Based on EVA spacesuit arm special flexible joint structure , a new and high efficiency inverse kinematics algorithm , nearest neighbor algorithm is presented . It can obtain approximate spacesuit joint angle on anyone measuring position .

  27. 利用边界元法以边界点上未知函数满足积分方程为基础进行近似计算的特点,建立了手部和舱外航天服手套温度场三维计算模型,通过模拟试验件验证了模型。

    The boundary element method ( BEM ) was utilized to make calculation simple and to get a three dimensional temperature field easily , since it has one characteristic that the approximate calculation is only based on unknown functions on the dots of the boundary fulfilling integral calculus equations .

  28. 方法根据工程实际,对舱外航天液冷服散热过程进行分析。

    Method Heat transfer process of the LCG was analyzed according to engineering facts .

  29. 在太空行走之前,承担此项历史重任的航天员要先在另一名航天员的帮助下穿上重达120公斤的无动力舱外活动航天服。

    Before the spacewalk , the astronaut shouldering the historic task will need the help of another to put on a120kg , non-powered spacesuit for the extra vehicular activity ( EVA ) .

  30. 其次,针对包含有柔性关节的舱内和舱外航天服手臂给出了求解其运动学逆运算的方法;

    Secondly , the methods of solving the inverse kinematics of the IMU and EMU spacesuit arms including flexible joints are proposed .