
jiàn duì
  • fleet;squadron;armada;naval force;naval squadron;navel fleet
舰队 [jiàn duì]
  • (1) [fleet;armada;navel fleet;naval force;naval squadron]

  • (2) 承担某一战略海区作战任务的海军兵力

  • 南海舰队

  • (3) 根据需要,由几艘舰艇临时组成的编队

  • 特混舰队

舰队[jiàn duì]
  1. 他命令联合舰队将军队护送到那不勒斯。

    He ordered the combined fleet to convoy troops to Naples .

  2. 俄罗斯和乌克兰一直在争夺舰队的所有权。

    Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet

  3. 1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。

    The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in 1588 .

  4. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The admiral visited the ships under his command .

  5. 美国海军舰队参加了入侵行动。

    An armada of U.S. Navy ships participated in the invasion .

  6. 英国舰队遭到了毁灭性的重创。

    The damage inflicted upon the British fleet was devastating .

  7. 他用化名在汉普郡的舰队街租了间房子。

    Using an alias , he had rented a house in Fleet , Hampshire .

  8. 同其水面舰队相比,英国的潜艇部队规模相对较小。

    In contrast with its surface fleet , Britain 's submarine force was relatively small .

  9. 陆军本应与舰队共同行动,突袭敌方海岸。

    The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy 's coast

  10. 普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。

    Plymouth Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada .

  11. 一支强大的舰队集结在珍珠港。

    A powerful fleet was concentrated at Pearl Harbour .

  12. 旗舰引领着舰队。

    The flagship led the fleet .

  13. 他们在远东海域保持着一支非常强大的舰队。

    They maintain a very powerful fleet in Oriental waters .

  14. 一支极其强大的舰队集结在珍珠港。

    An enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at Pearl Harbour .

  15. 海港的水域足够容纳一个舰队。

    There is enough water in the harbor to float a fleet .

  16. 1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。

    The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in1588 .

  17. 你说你的店在舰队街?

    Your establishment is in fleet street , you say ?

  18. 舰队司令视察了他所统率的军舰。

    The Admiral visited the ships under his command .

  19. 舰队正在东海岸外演习。

    The fleet is manoeuvring off the East coast .

  20. 在德国U型潜艇用鱼雷击沉了许多英国船只后,一支由2700艘物美价廉的“自由号”组成的强大舰队被派往英国,取代了那些被击毁的船只,为被围困的英国人提供了一线生机。

    After German U-boats torpedoed numerous British ships , a 2700-strong fleet of cheap-and-cheerful " Liberty ships " was introduced to replace the lost vessels , providing a lifeline for the besieged British .

  21. 他们把包括从英国海军舰队19世纪的一次航行到现代自动化海洋探测器等各种渠道测量到的温度读数收集到一起。

    They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything from a 19th century voyage of British naval ships to modern automated ocean probes .

  22. 年末,全尺寸SUV的探路者无敌舰队,推出。

    In late 2003 a full-size SUV , the Pathfinder Armada , debuted . 2003

  23. 护卫舰是任何一个配置均衡的远洋舰队所必需的

    Frigates are a vital part of any balanced sea-going fleet .

  24. 舰队司令按作战计划进行舰队演习

    The admiral maneuvered his ships in the battle plan .

  25. 他被任命为舰队司令。

    He was placed in command of the fleet .

  26. Air(初三适用)北约舰队防空体系分析

    Analysis of the NATO Fleet Air - Defense System

  27. Air(初三适用)中国海军舰载武装直升机用于舰队防空的设想

    Shipborne Armed Helicopter and Fleet Air Defense

  28. 补给船用于PLA南海舰队在广州的“黄埔”(Huangpu)造船厂建造。

    The ship is built by Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou for the PLA South Sea fleet .

  29. 总数为10艘被赠送和12艘被外销到外国海军。99艘进入PLA海军所有的三个舰队服役。

    A total of10 boast were donated and12 exported to foreign navies.99 boasts were commissioned by all three fleets of the PLA Navy .

  30. 11月,华盛顿:美国请求中国购买更多的美元,以支撑这一每况愈下的货币,并提出用美国第七舰队(SeventhFleet)作抵押。

    Washington : the US asks China to purchase more dollars to prop up the sinking currency and offers the Seventh Fleet as collateral .