
  1. 驾驶飞机的是南非的商务航空租赁公司CemAir。

    The plane was being flown by a commercial South African company , Cem Air .

  2. 中银航空租赁总部设在新加坡,首席执行官马锐博(RobertMartin)表示,该公司达成波音订单的同时,在过去18个月里已订购了118架空客(Airbus)客机。

    Robert Martin , chief executive of Singapore-based BOC Aviation , said the Boeing orders come in addition to 118 Airbus aircraft ordered over the past 18 months .

  3. 9月份,国有的中国银行(boc)旗下租赁公司中银航空租赁(bocaviation)从国泰航空购买了6架飞机,随后回租给国泰,减轻了其迫在眉睫的现金压力。

    In September , the leasing arm of state-owned bank of China , BOC aviation , bought half a dozen aircraft from Cathay then leased them back , alleviating a looming cash crunch .

  4. 航空租赁的重要意义及融资优势

    Aircraft Lease : Its Importance and Financing Advantages

  5. 7.史蒂芬•乌德华-霍兹职位:董事长兼首席执行官所在公司:美国航空租赁公司2010年薪酬合计:57768057美元

    Steven f. Udvar-Hazy chairman and chief executive officer Air Lease Corp. 2010 total compensation : $ 57,768,057

  6. 中国银行旗下的中银航空租赁已成为亚洲第一的飞机租赁公司。

    BOC Aviation Pte Ltd , owned by the Bank of China , has been ranked first in Asia as an aircraft leasing enterprise .

  7. 民航企业利用航空租赁进行融资,可以绕过一些财务上的限制,同时可以使企业更灵活的调整运力,更广泛的进行融资,也为企业提供了更高的技术灵活性。

    By means of lease , airlines can surpass financial limits , adjust the fleet size more flexibly , exploit more sources for financing and offer larger technical flexibility as well .

  8. 国际租赁金融公司的总裁库普隆说“作为一家国际航空租赁公司的领导要清楚,订单是的直接的反映公司生存能力和未来发展前景”。

    The offerings " are a direct reflection of our company 's viability and future prospects as a leader in leasing aircraft to the world 's airlines ," said Henri Courpron , ILFC 's CEO .

  9. 拥有3千万美元资产的人不仅投资各类股票和债券,还会收购公司并投资一些不寻常的债券,如航空租赁基金,使自己的资产增值。

    People who have at least $ 30m in assets invest in stocks and bonds , but they also grow their money by buying companies and investing in unusual securities , such as airline leasing funds .

  10. 拥有三千万资产的人士,即高资产值人士,投资股票和债券,但他们也购入公司,投资冷门证券,如航空租赁基金让钱生钱利滚利。

    People who have at least $ 30m in assets - dubbed ultra high net-worth - invest in stocks and bonds , but they also grow their money by buying companies and investing in unusual securities , such as airline leasing funds .

  11. 这家美国公司的高管说,通用电器计划向中国的航空公司租赁70座的ARJ21,供它们在国内使用。

    S.company have said GE plans to lease the70-seat ARJ21s to China 's domestic airlines for use within the country .

  12. 航空公司飞机租赁财务管理原则及帐务处理探索

    A Probe into Airlines Aircraft Lease Financial Management Principle & Accounts Dealing

  13. 本文探讨了现代租赁在航空公司飞机租赁中的应用与发展。

    This dissertation discusses the practice and development of aircraft leasing in the air transport industry .

  14. 为了添加与航空公司、汽车租赁和宾馆等伙伴的集成,BPEL调用它们所提供的Web服务并使Acme的伙伴在恰当的时候调用Acme的Web服务。

    BPEL adds integration with its airline , rental car , and hotel partners by invoking web services provided by them , and by having Acme 's partners invoke Acme 's web services when appropriate .

  15. 亚洲首富、香港亿万富豪李嘉诚控股的长江实业集团有限公司(CheungKongHoldingsLtd)准备豪掷约20亿美元,打造一支拥有60架客机的机队,以此为前景光明的亚洲航空公司提供飞机租赁服务。

    Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd , controlled by Asia 's richest man , Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-Shing , is to pay around $ 2 billion to build a fleet of some 60 airliners that it will lease to the continent 's up-and-coming airlines .

  16. 西北航空公司飞机融资租赁问题研究

    The Research on Aircraft Finance Lease of China Northwest Airlines

  17. 航空备件共享与租赁的经济意义

    The Economics of Spares ' Pooling and Leasing

  18. 如果空客能够向航空公司和飞机租赁公司供应多达1000架A330neo,将大抵赶上787客机的订单数量。

    If Airbus could supply as many as 1,000 aircraft to airlines and leasing companies , it would broadly match the orders notched up by the 787 .

  19. 公司将致力于为客户提供更多利益,并为中国和世界其他地区快速增长的航空市场提供飞机租赁的机会。

    Dragon Aviation expects to bring additional benefits to the customers and provides opportunities in the rapid-growing aircraft leasing market in China and other regions of the world .

  20. 这包括调用航空公司、汽车租赁公司和宾馆所提供的服务、把信息存储到合适的数据容器、处理异常并在必要时调用补偿。

    This includes invoking services provided by airline , car rental , and hotel companies , storing information in appropriate data containers , handling exceptions , and invoking compensations if necessary .