
  • 网络aviation antisubmarine;air anti-submarine
  1. 航空反潜中的吊放声纳系统仿真

    Simulation for dipping sonar system in air anti-submarine

  2. 依据航空反潜鱼雷的战术技术性能,采用Kalman滤波法对目标运动要素进行估计,并在计算机上模拟。

    Based on tactical and technical performance of aviation antisubmarine torpedo , the target moving elements with Kalman filtering was estimated and Simulated by the computer .

  3. 基于AHP的航空反潜概念模型专家确认方法研究

    Research on Aviation Anti-submarine Concept Model Expert Accreditation Method Based on AHP

  4. 主成分分析法在航空反潜机性能评估中的应用

    Application of Principal Components Analysis in Evaluating the Maneuverability of Typical Aircraft

  5. 航空反潜武器检测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Automatic Test System of Aviation Antisubmarine Fire Control

  6. 航空反潜飞行投雷点实时引导

    Real time Guide of Flight Pickle Dot in Aviation Antisubmarine

  7. 模糊决策在海军航空反潜指挥辅助决策系统中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Decision on Decision Assistant System for Naval Aircraft Antisubmarine

  8. 虚拟现实在航空反潜战中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Virtual Reality in Aviation Antisubmarine

  9. 观测定位决策组成了航空反潜作战的一个战术周期。

    A tactical period of the aerial antisubmarine warfare is composed of observation-location-decision .

  10. 对策论在航空反潜搜索效能评估中的应用研究

    Application of Game Theory in Efficiency Evaluating about Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Searching Game

  11. 国外航空反潜火控系统的发展

    Development of overseas airborne anti - submarine system

  12. 航空反潜作战效果综合评估

    Synthesis Evaluation of Combat Effectiveness in Aviation Antisubmarine

  13. 航空反潜战与反潜武器

    Airborne Anti - Submarine Warfare and Their Weapons

  14. 在辅助决策系统概念的基础上,分析了海军航空反潜决策的特点。

    The characteristics of naval aircraft antisubmarine were analyzed based on the concept of decision assistant system .

  15. 尤其在航空反潜领域,对水声数据的准确性要求极高。

    Especially in the field of aviation anti-submarine , water acoustic accuracy of the data is highly demanding .

  16. 对各类航空反潜声探设备进行介绍,对其装备现状和发展趋势作了阐述。

    Presented in detail here are all kinds of airborne anti-submarine acoustic detection equipment with emphasis on their status and trends .

  17. 本文对航空反潜声探设备的基本概念和作战应用作了简要说明。

    A brief description of the basic conception and combat application for the airborne anti-submarine acoustic detection equipment are presented in this paper .

  18. 日本海上自卫队航空反潜能力综述水面舰艇防潜作战模拟训练的计算机仿真研究

    Airborne Anti - Submarine Warfare of Japan Maritime Self - Defence Force Research of Computer Simulation on Surface Ship Anti - Submarine Defence Imitative Training

  19. 介绍了虚拟现实的基本组成以及关键技术,就其在航空反潜作战模拟中的应用问题,提出了一些基本设想和展望。

    The basic compose and key techniques of virtual reality are introduced in the paper , its application to aviation antisubmarine combat simulation , some basic ideas and expectation are given .

  20. 由于航空反潜装备搜潜设备和攻潜武器的多样性,航空反潜已成为反潜作战的主要作战样式。

    Nowadays , aviation antisubmarine has become the leading operational style of antisubmarine warfare because of the diversity in the forms of search and attack of aviation antisubmarine equipment ( AASE ) .

  21. 航空兵应召反潜是航空兵接获某时刻潜艇概略位置信息后,飞抵潜艇出没海域进行搜索的一种反潜作战样式,其实质是航空兵对水下潜艇的搜索和定位问题。

    Anti-submarine warfare is the problem of searching and relocating the submarine after momentarily revealing its position .