
shān bǎn
  • sampan;dinghy;dingey;pulling-boat
舢板 [shān bǎn]
  • [sampan] 用桨划的小船,一般坐两三人,做渡客或救护用,海军用的较狭长,可坐十人左右

舢板[shān bǎn]
  1. 他们在小舢板上漂浮了3个小时后才被发现。

    They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy .

  2. 我们跳出小舢板,涉水上岸。

    We jumped out of the dinghy and waded ashore .

  3. 坐舢板船到下一站

    " Take your junk to the next pit stop . "

  4. 霍华德说他不再租舢板了。

    Howard said that he would not hire a sampan .

  5. 答声从最后一条驶近码头的舢板上传来。

    It came from one last sampan approaching the docks .

  6. 有时我们可以看到成群的鱼儿从舢板旁边游过。

    Sometimes we can see schools of fish pass by the sampan .

  7. 嗨,赶快把你的舢板挪一边去!快点!

    Hey , quickly move your junk aside ! Hurry !

  8. 这一地区曾多次承办了美国舢板大赛。

    The area has several times played host to u.s.championships for windsurfing .

  9. 舢板上独特的索具

    The distinctive rigging of the junk 's sails

  10. 黄浦江里的一艘舢板驶过上海船厂最大的一台起重机。

    A junk sailing on Huangpu river near the largest crane of the Shanghai shipyard .

  11. 我们称之为舢板

    known to us as the junk .

  12. 他就是摇这舢板的,只他一个人落水。

    He was the sampan man , the only one who had fallen into the water .

  13. 课桌是我的舢板。

    The desk is my sampan .

  14. 一个救生员驾着舢板来到教堂,跟神父说:神父,赶快上来吧!

    Lifeguard driving a sampan came to church with the priest said : Father , come as soon as possible on !

  15. 对于这对可爱的老夫妻来说,长洲是座大城市。坐他们的无篷舢板,需要45分钟。

    To this lovely old couple , Cheung Chau was the big city , a45-minute ride away in their uncovered wooden sampan .

  16. 在我心目中,我还能回想起旧时的大舢板船在晚风中驶进港口的情景。

    In my mind 's eye , I can see the old sailing junks coming into the harbor on a windy evening .

  17. “伯金哪里去了?”他问话时眼里闪着激动的目光,“把舢板放下水得要他帮忙。”

    " Where 's birkin ?" he said , his eyes twinkling ," he might help me to get the canoe down . "