
wǔ dǎo bìng
  • chorea
舞蹈病[wǔ dǎo bìng]
  1. 本文报告Huntington舞蹈病3个家系的16例临床资料及其中2例血清游离氨基酸含量测定结果。

    In this paper we report the clinical data of 16 cases in 3 families of Huntington Chorea with measurement of free amino-acids in the serums of 2 cases .

  2. “如部分红斑狼疮、代谢紊乱、亨廷顿舞蹈病会出现在一些非常年青的孩子中,”Kelley在路透社健康报中说。

    " Some of the important causes , such as lupus , metabolic disorders , Huntington chorea , among others , can occur in very young children ," Kelley told Reuters Health .

  3. 与Huntington舞蹈病连锁的D4S(125)多态序列研究

    Detection of d_4s_ ( 125 ) repeat sequence in Huntington disease

  4. Huntington舞蹈病&附4个家谱调查

    Huntington 's disease : a survey of the pedigree of 4 families

  5. 本文报告了我院采用CT与立体定向相结合,在CT图像上直接进行丘脑腹外侧核(VL)和苍白球(Pa)定位,治疗帕金森氏病、扭转痉挛、舞蹈病的初步结果。

    CT guided localization for VL and Pa in treatment of Parkson 's disease , torsion-spasm and chorea by stereotactic neurosurgery has been reported .

  6. 一些基因要不全能、要不不能预测确定的特性,像亨廷顿氏舞蹈病,Bishop说。

    Some genes are all-or-nothing predictors of certain traits , such as Huntington 's disease , Bishop says .

  7. Huntington舞蹈病大脑免疫病理改变及其和痴呆精神异常的关系

    Pathological and immunopathological changes in Chorea Huntington and their relationship to dementia and psychiatric symptoms

  8. 胚纹状体移植入Huntington舞蹈病模型鼠脑内的实验研究

    An experimental study on striatal tissue transplants into brain of rat model of Huntington disease

  9. 本文对锥体外系疾病中帕金森病(PD)、Wilson病(WD)、肌张力障碍、亨廷顿舞蹈病(HD)的诊疗进展作一简要介绍。

    The progress in the diagnosis and treatment of several extrapyramidal diseases , including Parkinson disease ( PD ), Wilson disease ( WD ), dystonia and Huntington disease ( HD ) was reviewed .

  10. 目的研究Huntington舞蹈病的组织病理改变特点,观察泛素阳性营养不良性神经突起和神经细胞核内包涵体在大脑不同部位的分布规律,探讨痴呆和精神异常的病理基础。

    Objective To examine the distribution of ubiquitin positive structures in brain of Chorea Huntington and pathological basis of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms in a large Northern Chinese kindred .

  11. 大部分运动障碍疾病与之功能异常相关,目前临床上应用高频电刺激GPi可以改善部分帕金森病、肌张力障碍、舞蹈病患者的运动症状。

    Most of the movement disorders are associated with the dysfunction of GPi . The recent literature confirms the efficacy of high-frequency electrical stimulation of the GPi for parkinson disease , primary dystonia , huntington disease .

  12. 发生在儿童身上的一种舞蹈病。

    Chorea occurring chiefly in children and associated with rheumatic fever .

  13. 检查发现患肢呈轻-中度持续性舞蹈病样运动。

    Examination showed mild-to-moderate continuous choreiform movements in the affected extremities .

  14. 针刺治疗小舞蹈病30例

    Acupuncture in the Treatment of Chorea Minor * Analysis of 30 cases

  15. 微电极导向立体定向手术治疗舞蹈病

    Treatment of Huntington 's disease with microelectrode guide stereotactic radiofrequency

  16. 亨廷顿舞蹈病的分子病理研究进展

    Research progress in molecular pathology of Huntington 's disease

  17. 早期发病的亨廷顿舞蹈病:一种神经元退行性改变综合征

    Early onset Huntington disease : A neuronal degeneration syndrome

  18. 小儿风湿性舞蹈病14例临床分析

    14 cases of children rheumatic choreas clinic analyses

  19. 舞蹈病一家系临床分析及基因诊断

    Clinical analysis and gene diagnoses of four patients in one family of Huntington disease

  20. 杭廷顿氏舞蹈病一例报告

    Huntington Chorea : Report of A Case

  21. 髌腱旁小切口治疗胫骨髁间棘骨折舞蹈病-棘红细胞增多症

    Small incision by the patellar tendon for fracture of the intercondylar eminence of the tibia

  22. 儿童小舞蹈病的观察

    Observation of children 's minor chorea

  23. 一个坏基因可以导致遗传性慢性舞蹈病的发生,此病能逐渐破坏人体中关键性的神经细胞。

    One particularly bad gene leads to Huntington 's disease , which progressively destroys key nerve cells .

  24. 背景:风湿性舞蹈病是经典的A组β溶血性链球菌感染后中枢神经系统疾病。

    Background : The classical neurological disorder after group A beta hemolytic streptococcal infection is Sydenham 's chorea .

  25. 这些影像摄自一位70岁女性,临床诊断有亨廷顿舞蹈病。

    These images are from an70 year old woman who has a clinical diagnosis of Huntington 's disease .

  26. 结果本组患者临床表现呈多样化,包括舞蹈病、快速进展性痴呆、肌阵挛、抽搐、意识模糊、嗜睡和昏迷等。

    Results : Manifestations included confusion , chorea , rapidly progressive dementia , myoclonus , convulsions , and coma .

  27. 目的:分析小舞蹈病的临床特点,以提高对小舞蹈病的认识,减少临床误诊。

    Objective : To explore clinical characteristics of Sydenham chorea , to improve clinical diagnosis accuracy and to reduce misdiagnosis .

  28. 亨廷顿病(舞蹈病)是一种家族遗传病,缘于大脑中的神经元衰弱或退化造成的失调紊乱。

    Huntington 's disease : is a disorder passed down through families in which nerve cells in the brain waste away , or degenerate .

  29. 头针主要用于治疗脑源性疾病,如偏瘫,麻木、失语、眩晕、耳鸣、舞蹈病等。

    It is mainly indicated for cerebral disorders , such as hemiplegia , numbness , aphasia , dizziness and vertigo , tinnitus , chorea , etc.

  30. 早期分析工作已发现了一些蛋白质在老年痴呆症,舞蹈病和帕金森氏病,乳癌,结肠直肠癌和胰腺癌和糖尿病中所起的作用。

    Early analysis has already turned up a number of proteins with known roles in Alzheimer 's , Huntington 's and Parkinson 's diseases ; breast , colorectal and pancreatic cancer and diabetes .