- The Dancer

When I met Derek he was ever such a good dancer
He gestures , gesticulates , and moves with the grace of a dancer .
Dancers shimmied in the streets of New Orleans
The shadows of the dancers wavered continually
African dance is vigorous , but full of subtlety , requiring great strength and control
We were all bewitched by the graceful dancer .
" You can be a good dancer ! " I encouraged her .
" Denis , you are a great dancer ! Can you help me ? "
Every week , there were talented new dancers , new DJs and new MCs .
She expressed her strong wish to be a dancer and begged to show her dance .
In 2007 , she became a soloperformer , and in 2015 she became its principal dancer .
This was one of the most popular advertisementsof 2014 and it describes American ballet Theatre 's principaldancer Misty Copeland .
In the Roman twilight , nature 's great dancers flock to the stage .
Over the years , the " Colorful Cloud Program " has helped 62 children from 17 villages get recruited by art schools in Yunnan .
Natalie Portman , who won a best-actress Oscar this year for playing a demented ballerina in Black Swan , has given birth to her first child , a boy , reports People magazine .
Strong high Baritone with good dramatic range of timbre , comfortable to G , emphasis on voice but must also be a good dancer .
For example a singer , a dancer or a street performer can all be regarded as entertainers .
Imagine the G20 as a dance , where the partners come with their hopes and wares .
At the end of the number , the dancers stand frozen with their arms raised in a black-power salute , as if waiting for someone to yell " cut . " " No one does .
Madonna , Psy and the dancers performed the signature horse-riding dance of " Gangnam Style . " The Korean rapper also stayed for Madonna 's performance of " Music . "
Even some of the dancers of Banr Bazaar had moved back , although they were mostly making DVDs to sell , rather than performing live .
And David Beckham got the biggest single cheer of the evening , and the dancer who caught the football he somewhat shanked into the crowd will have the greatest story to tell his grandchildren .
He was always an extraordinary dancer , ' says Jim Horne , a classmate of Mr. Jermyn 's at Los Angeles Baptist High School .
You know that Hok is an amazing B-boy dancer , not a bird .
A former break-dancer , she is one of the flag-bearers of Norway 's artistic ascendance : Her inclusion in the ' ILLUMInations ' exhibition at the 2011 Venice Biennale was a rallying cry for every art student in Oslo .
In the video , the singer dressed in a colourful ball gown with a 70s hairdo , uses a fairy wand to make a group of female dancers , dressed in Vegas-style showgirl costumes appear .
Svetlana Zakharova , the nation 's prima ballerina , danced , while Anna Netbrenko , Russia 's world-famous soprano , sang the Olympic anthem .
They make me think of films about the theatrical world in which trembling chorus girls wait to make their entrances in draughty wings , captured like Degas dancers .
The aerial dancers , from the San Francisco-based Bandaloop , have performed on skyscrapers worldwide .
The dancers enjoy royal patronage , and preserve ancient folk and religious customs and perpetuate the ancient art of mask making .