
  • 网络dance music
  1. 这在伦敦的伦敦Shoreditch改装铁路拱桥位于大概是伦敦最好的俱乐部之一,现在场地,拥有两个摇滚,舞曲音乐的无与伦比的清晰的音响系统。

    This refitted railway arch in London 's Shoreditch is located probably one of the London 's best club venue right now , possessing a sound system of unequalled clarity for both rock and dance music .

  2. 自20世纪20年代产生以来,经过不断的演变,时至今日已发展成一种风靡全球的舞曲音乐,为广大音乐爱好者所接受和喜爱。

    Since1920s , it has developed into a dance music popular around the world which is accepted and loved by the music fans .

  3. 新开的夜总会演奏了特震撼的舞曲音乐。

    The new nightclub plays some really funky vibes .

  4. 他登上了《滚石》杂志今年3月的封面,被《纽约时报》称为美国“舞曲音乐的救世主”。

    He landed the cover of Rolling Stone magazine in March , and The New York Times called him " the savior of dance music " in the US .

  5. 第一章叙述帕德雷夫斯基的个人经历,分别从社会、个人两个方面,具体阐述《G大调小步舞曲》的音乐创作背景。

    The first chapter describes the personal experiences of Paderewski , and discusses the creation background of Minuet in G Major in detail from the social and personal aspects .

  6. 超过50万人参与了公共广播机构澳大利亚广播公司(ABC)开展的此项在线调查,结果显示,经典摇滚明显比流行音乐、舞曲和说唱音乐更受欢迎。

    More than 500000 people took part in public broadcaster ABC 's online poll , which showed a clear preference for classic rock over pop , dance and hip hop .

  7. 本文对他的两首新疆舞曲作了音乐学的分析。

    The paper analyzes two of his Xinjiang dances from the perspective of musicology .

  8. 你怎样看待比赛中的舞曲和摇滚音乐?

    What do you think of the dancers and blaring rock music at tournaments ?

  9. 这张专辑一经发行,就登上了公告牌舞曲/电子音乐专辑榜首位。

    It debuted at No 1 on Billboard 's Dance / Electronic Albums chart .

  10. 然而,随着创作环境与作曲家整体音乐风格的发展,创作间隔八年的两套《斯拉夫舞曲》在音乐风格上也表现出极大的不同。

    However , with the development of compositional environment and overall music style of composers , the two sets of Slavonic Dances differ greatly in music style for a distance of eight years .

  11. 《音乐节奏》囊括了90首免费歌曲,从电子舞曲到日本流行音乐应有尽有。

    Cytus consists of 90 free songs ranging from techno to J-pop .

  12. 肖邦的波兰舞曲将这一音乐形式带到了更高的层次,这是没有人预见到的。

    Chopin 's polonaises brought the musical form to a higher level than anyone had envisioned the musical style to be capable of .

  13. 作为高科技舞曲、室舞曲以及世界音乐的余波,新一代的法国艺术家终于在海外开始获得成功。

    In the wake of techno , house and world music , a new generation of French artists is at last beginning to find success abroad .