
wǔ tái dǎo yǎn
  • stage director
  1. 电影、电视、电台和舞台导演指导电影、电视、电台和舞台作品的艺术效果和制作方面的事宜。

    FILM , TELEVISION , RADIO AND STAGE DIRECTORS direct the artistic and production aspects of film , television , radio and stage productions .

  2. 纳恩是公认近年来顶尖的舞台剧导演之一。

    Nunn is regarded as one of the top theatrical directors of recent times .

  3. 陈士铮更多为人所知的身份是舞台剧导演。他在1999年排演了长达19小时的中国传统剧目“牡丹亭”。

    Chen Shizheng is better known as stage director , mounting a19-hour production of the classic Chinese opera piece " The Peony Pavilion " in1999 .

  4. 恰当地利用情感因素,激发学生心灵对知识的感触,从而在数学课堂教学的舞台上导演出一部优秀作品,使课堂教学达到最大限度的优化。

    The proper use of emotional factors can stimulate students'sense of knowledge and produce an excellent masterpiece on the stage of class teaching , and enable class teaching to the maximum excellence .

  5. 艺术节为观众介绍了小剧场的魅力,大陆、香港和台湾舞台剧的导演也借此做了相关讲座。

    It introduces audiences to the charm of small theater , and offers space for lectures from mainland , Hong Kong and Taiwanese theater directors .

  6. 很小的时候,我就质疑这种基于性别不同的主观臆断。八岁时,我搞不懂,就因我想在给家长表演的舞台剧中当导演,就会被称之为“霸道”,而男孩子们则不会。

    I started questioning gender-based assumptions a long time ago , when I was eight , I was confused at being called " bossy , " because I wanted to direct the plays that we would put on for our parents - but the boys were not .

  7. 如果把课堂比作舞台,老师是导演,学生是演员,教学设计则是剧本。

    The teacher is compared to the stage director , students are actors , teaching design is the script .

  8. 对于跟舞台的类比再次提出了怀疑,因为舞台演员,舞台剧作家,舞台导演和舞台特技再次蜂涌到电影里来。

    Once again the analogy with the stage was suspected ; once again stage actors , stage writers , stage directors , and stage techniques flooded the movies .