
  • 网络dry tongue
  1. 餐桌上也经常有肉干和舌干,散发出绳子麻线的气味;

    It was familiar with dried meats and tongues , possessing an extraordinary flavour of rope yarn .

  2. 所谓吃苦,就是要一天到晚都练,练得口燥舌干,嗓子沙哑。

    The so-called hardships are : practice English from morning till night , until your tongue is swollen and your throat is sore .

  3. 舌动脉干各段的弯曲情况,与舌的不同部分的活动度相适应。

    The curvature and mode of branchings of its different parts adapt to its vivid function .

  4. 方法:对41例三叉神经痛患者进行单纯下牙槽、舌神经干注射阿霉素的治疗,52例进行神经干注射阿霉素联合颊神经撕脱治疗。

    METHODS : Adriamycin was injected to the lingual nerve and inferior alveolar nerve in primary trigeminal neuralgia of 41 cases ; adriamycin injection combined with avulsion of the buccal nerve was applied in another 52 cases of primary trigeminal neuralgia .

  5. 为进一步研究舌鳞癌干细胞提供了一种有效的方法和途径,也为我们进一步从肿瘤干细胞角度研究舌鳞状细胞癌的发病机理和寻找新的治疗靶点提供了线索。

    This study provides an effective method for further studying the tongue squamous cell carcinoma stem cells and clues for studying the pathogenesis of tongue squamous cell carcinoma and looking for new therapeutic targets from the perspective of cancer stem cells theory .