- Lethal Strike;deadly blow;strike a deadly blow

And those who try to attack our country will be dealt a deadly blow , to deter them from sticking their snouts into our Soviet backyard .
His loss would be a crushing blow to Liverpool 's title hopes .
It was a final nail in the government 's coffin .
A nationwide strike will be disastrous for our economy .
The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town .
We have to hit kreutzfeld hard and fast .
Socialism still suffers from the fatal blow dealt by its past collapse .
Even so , debt restructurings are no mortal threat to the eurozone .
So these precise astronomical observations really caused immense problem for the Aristotelian world view .
The collapse of the business was a mortal blow to him and his family .
In automated production lines , it is deadly strike if the key devices was halt .
In reality , 1980s Japan was never going to be terminally damaged by weakness in export markets .
One director of a rival Wall Street bank said : This is a mortal blow for Goldman .
The employees quit job , especially the vicious turnover of core employees will strike the enterprise deadly .
Now the US has shown that it retains the capacity and resolve to strike its enemies with deadly effect .
The second decisive stake in the LDP 's heart came in 2005 , paradoxically an election it considered a triumph .
So such a ruling would be a political nightmare , but need not be a death blow to reform itself .
Quite fitting to review these in light of the current worldwide economic crisis that seems to be hitting Iceland the worst .
Business models already under heavy attack from new technology will be dealt decisive blows by the economic crisis , Prof Valor believes .
Finally German-Soviet non-aggression pact which signed on August 23 , 1939 had an deadly effect on the German-Japanese talks and Anglo-French-Soviet talks .
And the shale gas revolution in the US is potentially disastrous for Russia , since it is lowering the global price of gas .
The move represents a potentially fatal blow to the deal , which must be approved at a shareholders ' meeting on Wednesday in Brussels .
It was likely that the enemy would quickly strike us a damaging blow . In the past , the Russians have always used sledge-hammer tactics in trying to take over Iran .
Today , the spread of the global financial crisis has been even more fatal blow to the British economy once glorious British Empire is no longer out of the recession , quagmire .
Second , any politician knew that the sight of thousands of ordinary people trying to obtain their money from a supposedly regulated institution was fatal to the government 's reputation for competence .
Although the high street is facing a big challenge Christmas , retailers should see this research as a challenge to improve the in-store shopping experience , rather than the nail in the coffin .
The global capital tide is blustery at the moment , and the financial crisis broke out in 2007 also caused a fatal blow to many businesses , international and domestic situation is becoming increasingly grim .
Granted , the case doesn 't strike a mortal blow at Samsung 's mobile business-the Korean giant can absorb damage costs and engineer around patents it was found to violate-but the verdict does give Apple more momentum .
Barack Obama went on the offensive over foreign policy in the third and final presidential debate , repeatedly accusing Mitt Romney of flip-flopping on major international issues but failing to deliver a killer blow to his opponent 's resurgent campaign .
It is difficult to give a fatal attack to the vessels using the conventional weapons in the water . Shaped charge warhead is one of the effective ways to damage the vessels , which is used to improve the performance of torpedo warheads .