
  1. 1月中旬,法国雷恩市(Rennes)一场止痛药临床试验不幸出错,致一名男子死亡。

    Last week , a man died in the French city of Rennes after a clinical trial of a painkiller went tragically wrong .

  2. 能致一个孩子于死地的寄生魔法力量

    That is a parasitical magical force that killed a child .

  3. 这四名青少年被指控致一名23岁的女性头部严重受伤。

    They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old girl

  4. 陕西发生山体滑坡致一辆火车脱轨,两名火车司机死亡。

    Two operators are dead following a landslide which derailed their train in Shaanxi .

  5. 倒置莫菲氏壶致一次排气失败的原因分析及对策

    Causative analysis on failure of inverted Murphy 's dropper induced disposable aerofluxus and its strategy

  6. 下述文字摘自一封某提供投资建议的公司致一客户的信函。

    The following appeared in a letter from a firm providing investment advice to a client .

  7. 晚期青光眼术前含服心痛定预防球后麻醉致一过性黑蒙

    Prevention of Temporality Amaurosis due to Anesthesia behind the Eyeball with Nifepine before Operation of Late Stage Glaucoma

  8. 螺钉方向不当致一过性神经根损伤者术中调整螺钉方向。

    The temporary injury of nerve root due to wrong directions of the screws , were adjusted during the operation .

  9. 因此,全球化时代的个体必须领悟当代人类的存在状态,达致一种个人活动的规范,树立并履践人类的责任意识。

    So , it is important to rear a kind of self-discipline basing on responsibility for humankind in the era of globalization .

  10. 昨天下午,安康市发生山体滑坡淹没轨道,致一辆正行驶的货运列车脱轨。

    The slide rolled over the tracks yesterday afternoon , sending the freight train off the rails in the city of Ankang .

  11. “伸手摘星,未必如愿,亦不致一手污泥”暗暗自勉。

    " Hand Reaching for the Stars may not be his way , would not be the primary sludge ," subtly pasted .

  12. 上周六,印度盖尔公司高密聚乙烯工厂发生大火,致一人丧命,三人受伤。

    In India , a fire at Gail 's high-density polyethylene ( hdPE ) plant killed one person and injured three others last Saturday .

  13. 来自北京市消防局的消息:清华大学的一个实验室在周五凌晨发生了爆炸事件,致一名实验室助理死亡。

    A laboratory in Tsinghua University exploded on Friday morning and a lab assistant was killed , according to source from Beijing municipal fire authority .

  14. 一个在线的饮食计划承诺可以让你从未有过的大幅度减掉体重,这遭到了人们的质疑,并有可能遭致一系列的诉讼。

    An online dieting program which promises big weight loss results in record time has raised suspicions and resulted in a possible class action lawsuit .

  15. 9月4日,在江苏泰兴宣堡镇,一辆货车撞翻一辆三轮车,致一名老妇受伤倒地。

    On Sep4 , a van ran into a tricycle , knocking an elderly woman to the ground in Xuanbao Town of Taixing County , Jiangsu Province .

  16. 故事从上周三开始。一起交通事故致一名男子死亡,他的亲属同意把他的五个器官移植给需要的人。

    The story started last Wednesday . A car accident killed a man , and his relative agreed to transplant five of his organs to people in need .

  17. 如何在理论的内部一致性和外部一致性之间达致一个合理的折衷,建立能够解释中国现实的经济周期模型,是我们今后面临的一个重要课题。

    How to get a reasonable trade-off between theoretical internal consistency and external consistency , and built a business cycle model which can explain the realities of China economy , is a very important task in future .

  18. 我们都渴望受赞扬,渴望推销自己,但现在并不是恰当的时间和场合——等你结婚或去世时,或许会有人为你致一番漂亮、无私的祝酒辞。

    We all crave praise and more sales , but this isn 't the time or place -- wait until you get married or die , and then maybe someone will deliver a nice , selfless toast about you .

  19. 我们都渴望受赞扬,渴望推销自己,但现在并不是恰当的时间和场合&等你结婚或去世时,或许会有人为你致一番漂亮、无私的祝酒辞。

    We all crave praise and more sales , but this isn 't the time or place & wait until you get married or die , and then maybe someone will deliver a nice , selfless toast about you .

  20. 戈斯内尔医生被判谋杀三名婴儿罪名成立,一级谋杀第四名婴儿罪名不成立,因曾在手术中致一名女性患者死亡,过失杀人罪名成立。

    Dr. Gosnell was found guilty for 3 of the babies , have found not guilty of murder on the first degree for the 4th baby and then found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for the female patient who died on his care .

  21. 朔伊布勒表示,作为交换,“我们应当考虑降低适用于imf最重要决定的绝对多数票要求,以便我们在未来不致面对一个国家或一小批国家的少数否决”。

    Mr Schuble said that in return , " we should consider lowering the special voting majorities for the most important IMF decisions so that in the future we can do without a blocking minority for a single country or a very small group of countries " .

  22. 宫颈管内置瓶塞7年致不孕一例

    One case of barrenness from placed bottle cork in cervical tract

  23. 例性程式:为达致某一特定结果而设计的一系列电脑指令。

    Routine : A sequence of computer instructions designed to produce a specific result .

  24. 但在判断无意思联络数人侵权致同一损害结果时,应以损害是否可分作为认定共同侵权行为的标准。

    But whether the damage made by persons without contract meaning can be divided should be the standard for affirmation .

  25. 如果你是第一次约会,考虑一下我们吧,我们能像你的教母一样使你不致变成一个单身汉或老姑娘。

    Like your fairy godmother , consider us on your shoulder for that first date , reminding you not to step into the usual bachelor potholes .

  26. 普遍伦理主张存在着普遍道德真理,但它既超越各种相对道德价值体系之上,同时又没有全球意识形态的诉求;它是立足于生活世界本身进行实践推理从而达致的一种道德普遍性。

    Universal ethics goes beyond any concrete and relative moral tradition but has no intention of seeking the position of global ideology based on practical reasoning in life world .

  27. 这项指引有助银行业在面对极大压力的期间保持稳定,同时亦有效控制负资产问题,不致变得一发不可收拾。

    It has helped maintain banking stability during a period of considerable stress , and , no less important , it has helped limit the problem of negative equity .

  28. 任何人不得在任何之前或行期明知而布某候人退出的假述,藉以推或促致另一候人。

    No person shall before or during any election knowingly publish a false statement of the withdrawal of a candidate at such election for the purpose of promoting or procuring the election of another candidate .

  29. 在致客户的一封公开信中,苹果CEO库克宣称该公司已经改变了iOS8的加密技术的运作方式。

    In an open letter to customers , Apple'schief executive Tim Cook announced the firm has changed the way encryptionworks in iOS 8 .

  30. 光发射聚脂(lep)是场致发光的一个变种。

    Light emitting polymers ( LEP ) is a variation of EL .