
  1. 管道自进式高压水射流清洗技术的应用

    Application of self-propelled high pressure water jet technology for pipeline cleaning

  2. 自进式水射流钻进技术在煤层气开发中的应用

    Application of self-advanced water jet drilling technology in coalbed methane exploration

  3. 自进式高压水射流超短半径水平钻进技术研究

    Reasearch on self-propelled high pressure water jet ultra-short radius horizontal drilling technology

  4. 水力深穿透射孔自进旋转喷头关键参数研究

    Study on Key Parameters of Self-Propelled Rotatory Nozzle for Water-Jet Deep Penetrating Perforation

  5. 自进式钻头由旋转喷嘴、钻屑整合装置、推力提供装置等组成。

    The self-feeding bit consists of the rotary nozzle , the cutting conformity device and the power supply device etc.

  6. 自进式钻头带动为其提供高压水动力的特制胶管向前连续钻井。

    The self-feeding bit carries the special rubber tube that provides high-pressure hydrodynamics for the bit to drill continuously .

  7. 中空自进注浆锚杆既可加固围岩,又可堵漏防渗,降低了工程成本,提高了治理效果。

    The auto-placing hollow anchor bar can reinforce the surrounding rock , prevent leakage and decrease the cost as a result .

  8. 自进式水射流钻头具有欺软怕硬的特性,在已形成的孔中可以自动改变方向沿原孔钻进,能够有效地将已失效的瓦斯抽放孔修复。

    Self-propelling and rotating drill has the characteristics that can drill in the formed hole automatically change direction along the original hole .

  9. 科举与社会流动性&看王安石论宋人自进直流自动电力传动系统

    The Examination System And The Social Mobility & On " Zijing " in Song Dynasty by Wang An-shi ; automatic electric DC drives

  10. 锚喷支护及小导管注浆在隧道塌方段中的应用自进式锚杆结合小导管注浆通过涌水塌方段施工技术

    Bolt-shotcrete support and small pipe grouting technology used in treating tunnel collapse Construction Technology of Combining the Self-feeding Anchor Rod with Ductule Double-liquid Grouting in the Water Gushing Section

  11. 最终优化出自进式喷嘴结构,此喷嘴具有自进能力,能够应用到水力深穿透工作中。

    At last , the paper optimize the structure of self-feeding nozzle which have the ability of self-advanced , and this nozzle can be applied to water deep-penetrating work .

  12. 自进式锚杆结合小导管注浆通过涌水塌方段施工技术采用超前导管注浆法过风积沙层的斜井井筒施工方法

    Construction Technology of Combining the Self-feeding Anchor Rod with Ductule Double-liquid Grouting in the Water Gushing Section Slope Shaft Construction Method by Grouting with Advanced Pipe through Aeolian Sand Seam

  13. 其主要目的是让学者先了解求仁之方,然后自进于圣人之门墙。

    In so doing , his main purpose is to make other scholars know the way to be benevolent , and then make them understand Confucius ' doctrine of benevolence by themselves .

  14. 煤层气井超短半径自进式水平钻井技术研究水力水平钻井是一项全新的技术和方法,它属于超短半径水平井范畴,可以利用水平井理论进行研究。

    Waterpower horizontal drilling is a kind of advanced technology and method , which belongs to super-short radius horizontal wells . So , it can be studied through the theories of horizontal wells .

  15. 重点分析多孔喷嘴上斜孔位置和角度对射流流场的影响。(3)建立自进式喷嘴模型,并且进行流场分析。

    Focus on the impact of jet flow field , due to the different position and angle of the slant-hole in multi-hole nozzle . ( 3 ) Establish self-feeding nozzle model , and carry out flow field analysis .

  16. 自进式高压水射流清洗技术是传统的高压射流清洗技术的最新发展,是随着高压水射流技术发展起来的高新清洗技术。

    As a new development of high pressure water jet cleaning technology , self-propelled high pressure water jet for pipeline cleaning is a new technology . This technology has been advanced with application of high pressure water jet in industrial cleaning .

  17. 自磨机进料端漏浆问题研究

    Study to the Slurry Leakage in the Feed Inlet of the Autogenous Tumbling Mill

  18. 自磨机进料端漏浆问题一直是影响自磨机运转率的主要原因,它影响生产,加剧中空轴的磨损,增加维修时间又降低设备的使用寿命。

    At all times , the slurry leakage in the feed inlet of the autogenous tumbling mill chiefly influences the operation efficiency of the mill , which affects the production , quickens the abrasion of the quill shaft , increases the maintenance time and decreases the lifespan of the mill .

  19. 管理制度导入ISO理念,以确保自原料的进厂至产品的入库出货均有一定的严谨规范依循。

    Management system channel ISO idea into , so as to ensure raw materials is it expect warehouse entry of products produce goods have sure rigorous norms in accordance with following to stock since .

  20. 自激励旋进射流冲击冷却的对流换热特性

    Convective heat transfer characteristics of impingement cooling for a self-excited precessing jet

  21. 它们也可以自源头行进数英哩,带走树木、石砾、车辆及其他物体,使规模并随距离而增长。

    They also can travel several miles from their source , growing in size as they pick up trees , boulders , cars , and other materials .

  22. 密闭样品瓶和敏感、自适配进样程序,由于无蒸发不影响测量结果,用于测量易挥发样品。

    The tightly closed sample vials and the sensitive , self-adapting filling procedure make it possible to measure volatile samples because there is no evaporation to falsify the results .

  23. 1991年冬天的一个早上,我把一把吉他、一本精炼版牛津英语字典和一本俄语自课本装进我的老大众汽车,离开爱丁堡的家,驶往基辅。

    One winter 's morning in 1991 I loaded a guitar , a condensed edition of the Oxford English Dictionary and a Teach Yourself Russian course into an old Volkswagen , left the house near Edinburgh where I had been staying and drove to Kiev .

  24. 直线自校正超声步进电机转子受恢复力的研究

    Study of return force given to rotor on self-correcting linear ultrasonic motor

  25. 二值自相关屏蔽二进序列偶理论研究

    Study of Punctured Binary Sequence Pair with Two-Level Autocorrelation

  26. 自耗电极给进、曲拐成型滑块推入,由系统的计算机协调控制。

    The feeding of consumable electrode and the pushing forming slider t are controlled by computer harmonically .

  27. 自“奥运英语进社区”活动以来,许多在校大学生,培训机构,专业人事都投入到这一志愿活动中来。

    Since the program of " Olympic Community English Class " started , many college students , training institutions and professionals have devoted to volunteer activities .