
  1. 金融业作为特殊行业,由它所提供的产品和服务的特性所决定,不能完全适用于一般工商业的自由竞争原则。

    Financial circles as special trade , offered by it product and characteristic of the service determine , can 't be totally suitable for the free competition principle of the general industry and commerce .

  2. 我们支持自由市场竞争原则,并将其作为商业行为的基础,我们遵循适用的竞争法律法规。

    We support the principle of free market competition as a basis for conducting our business , and we observe applicable competition laws and regulations .

  3. 这样全面开放的市场准入,既符合市场经济平等与自由竞争的原则,又可以较高程度地满足高新技术产业资本密集的要求。

    Such an opened market system is not only in conformity with the principal of equal market economy , but also meet the demands of capital concentrated in high and new technology industries .

  4. 但是美国社会崇尚的是自由竞争和能力原则,在同一的市场竞争机制下,每个人凭借个人的能力获得机会。

    But American advocate free competition and meritocracy principle , under the same market competition mechanism , everyone relies on personal ability to get a chance .

  5. 陕甘宁边区遵循直接、普遍、平等、自由、竞争等原则,在农村实行了三次真正意义上的普遍选举。

    By means of the true general election in country ; the state was subject to certain principles of directness , generality , equality , freedom , and competition .