
  • 网络Free imagination;Liberal Imagination
  1. 缺少经验的人得以自由的想象任何可能性,并且由此可以达成一个目标而不受既定习惯和态度的限制。

    People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible and thus can approach a task without constraints of established habits and attitudes .

  2. 绘画作品给予观众的是一个总的情绪,而最终是让观众自己去创造个体情绪,并在各自不同的个体情绪中进行自由的想象和欣赏。

    What the painting works give viewers are a general sentiment , and that ultimately lets viewers create own individual feelings and in different emotions to conduct freely imagination and appreciation .

  3. 另类美术民间艺术来源人民生活,有着自己的发展过程,它大胆自由的想象、超出常规的变形夸张、绚丽多彩的颜色都给学生新的视觉冲击;

    Folk art , different from traditional standard art , derives from people 's life and has its own developing progress . Bold free imagination , deformation and exaggeration beyond convention , colorful tints provide the students with new visional effect .