
  • 网络Radio Free Europe;Radio Liberty;RFE
  1. 自由欧洲电台与1956年匈牙利事件

    Radio Free Europe and Hungarian Crisis of 1956

  2. 你还是去走廊听听“自由欧洲电台”

    Why don 't you roll " Radio Free Europe " there into the hallway

  3. 西方国家、苏联和东欧国家媒体批评,自由欧洲电台直接引起了匈牙利事件的爆发。

    The media of the western countries , Soviet Union and Eastern countries criticized that , Radio Free Europe provoked the Hungarian Crisis .

  4. 那时,西方花费数百万用于反苏宣传,美国资助着报纸和广播,如自由欧洲电台等。

    At the time the West was spending millions spreading anti-Soviet propaganda , and America was bankrolling newspapers and broadcasters like Radio Free Europe .

  5. 1949年底,美国以民间的名义建立了一家针对东欧的广播电台,这就是自由欧洲电台。

    At the end of 1949 , the United States has founded a non-official radio station , that is Radio Free Europe , which mainly broadcast to East Europe .

  6. 面对来自西方国家媒体纷纷对自由欧洲电台的广播节目提出的批评,自由欧洲电台接受了美国、慕尼黑总部调查的同时内部也进行了调查。

    Confronting with the criticisms from the western countries towards its radio programs , Radio Free Europe accepted the investigation from the American and Munich Headquarters and self-investigation as well .

  7. 自由欧洲电台作为美国中央情报局外围的私人的、非官方的组织,美国推行心理战和向东欧国家宣传美国冷战政策的工具,在匈牙利事件期间起到了推波助澜的作用。

    As the personal and non-official organization outside the American Central Intelligence Agency and the tool of promoting the Psychological War and declaiming the Cold War Policy to the East-Europe countries , Radio Free Europe played an impetus role during the time of the Hungarian Crisis .

  8. 自由欧洲广播电台和自由广播电台

    Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty , RFE and RL