
  • 网络liberal feminism
  1. 玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特是18世纪英国著名的作家和女性主义思想家,早期自由主义女性主义的主要代表人物。

    Mary Wollstonecraft who lived in 18th century is a famous English writer and feminist ideologist , main representative of early liberal feminism .

  2. 它们分别是心理学中的性别发展阶段理论、性别特质双向化理论与性别社会学习理论,以及女性主义学说中的自由主义女性主义、激进主义女性主义与马克思主义女性主义。

    They are the psychological stages of development in gender theory , gender theory and gender characteristics of two-way social learning theory , and feminist theories in the liberal feminism , radical feminism and Marxist feminism .

  3. 自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义作为女性主义阵营中的两大主要流派,在女性主义理论与批判中的地位举足轻重。

    As two major school , Liberalism Feminism and Radicalism Feminism occupies important position in feminism theories and criticism .

  4. 本文拟从自由主义女性主义科学观与激进女性主义科学观的渊源、对科学的批判以及所产生的意义这三方面进行简要剖析。

    This article try to give a brief analysis from origin , criticism to science and significance about Liberalism Feminism and Radicalism Feminism view on science .

  5. 本文将围绕女性主义对平等的认识和追求,对女性主义的实践斗争进行理论分析和反思,其中又以自由主义女性主义和马克思主义女性主义为主要分析对象。

    This paper focuses on the feministic acquaintanceship and pursuance of the " equality ", analyze and reflect theoretically the feministic practice and struggle , Liberalism-feminism and Marxism-feminism are the main analysis object .