
  • 网络jus in re propria;jusinrepronria;jura in re propria
  1. 实质上采矿权的客体是从地壳中分离前的矿产,清晰地裸露着,因此,应当大胆承认采矿权是自物权。

    Therefore , it should be an autonomous article right .

  2. 论文将这一历史过程划分为四个阶段进行了详细考察。第一个阶段,是自物权与他物权区分起源阶段。

    The paper divides this historical process into four stages : The first stage is original .

  3. 自物权行为理论创立以来,该理论引起了广泛的争论。

    The Real Right Behavior Theory , ever since it was proposed , has invited wide debates .

  4. 自物权:重构农村土地承包法的理性思考&解决农地抛荒的制度创新途径

    Owner 's Right : A Rational Thinking of Reconstructing Farmland Contract Law with Farm Households & An Effective Way to Resolve the Act of Abandoning Farmland Through System Innovation

  5. 采矿权是确定矿产归属的自物权,探矿权是经行政许可的企业勘探行为权。

    The mining right is the right of own property for defining ownership of mineral resources , and the exploration right is the behavior right for enterprise ' exploring mineral resources after administration license .

  6. 近代早期,中世纪的封建经济逐渐为资本主义经济所代替、资产阶级革命的爆发及资本主义新政权的建立及人文主义法学的发展,为自物权与他物权制度的完善奠定了历史基础。

    Early in the modern age , medieval feudal economy is gradually replaced by capitalist economy , the outbreak of the bourgeois revolution , the establishment of the capitalist government , and the development of humanist jurisprudence laid the historical foundation for completing both real rights .

  7. 农村集体土地所有权是一种特殊的共同共有,农村集体土地使用权具有自物权性质,而土地承包经营合同是一种农村集体共同共有关系中对农村土地的利用与管理的分管契约。

    The rural land ownership is a special form of co-ownership , and the rural usufruct has the nature of self-use property right . The rural land management contract is a respective management contract that makes the rights clear between the co-owners when they use and manage the rural land .