
  • 网络nature;Nature Magazine;Chinese Journal of Nature;Nature Journal;Journal Nature
  1. 该发现被报道在自然杂志上【山侬P.麦克裴诺等人,原文】

    The finding appears on the cover of the journal Nature . [ Shannon P. McPherron et al . ,

  2. 一篇于2005年在自然杂志上发表的研究曾发现Wiki百科和大不列颠大百科全书一样精准,甚至有关科学方面也是如此。

    A study in the journal Nature in 2005 found Wikipedia was about as accurate as the Encyclopedia Britannica , even about science topics .

  3. 但是,加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的马丁•彻奇希(MartinJutzi)和埃里克•阿萨福格(ErikAsphaug)刚刚在《自然杂志》发表的一篇论文检验了迄今为止的另一个猜想。

    But in a paper just published in Nature Martin Jutzi and Erik Asphaug of the University of California , Santa Cruz , examine yet another idea .

  4. 露西Cluver刚写了这个问题在自然杂志上。

    Lucie Cluver has just written about this problem in the journal Nature .

  5. 据自然杂志网站报道,人类世工作组(AWG)确定,人类对地球产生了如此深远的影响,这一说法是有理有据的。人类世工作组由英国莱斯特大学的简·扎拉塞维奇担任主席,共有34名成员。

    But the 34-member Anthropocene Working Group ( AWG ) chaired by Jan Zalasiewicz , of the University of Leicester in the UK , decided that humans are having such a profound impact on our planet that the term is a valid one , Nature.com reported .

  6. 请你的孩子识别自然杂志里的动物图片。

    Ask your child to identify animals pictured in nature magazines .

  7. 这篇文章被允许从自然杂志重新处理。

    This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine nature .

  8. 自然杂志带你探究拉尼娜对全球环境的潜在影响。

    Nature explores its potential effects on the global environment .

  9. 她在自然杂志上撰文呼吁给更多儿童做结核病检测。

    Writing in Nature , she calls for testing more children for tuberculosis .

  10. 一项自然杂志的研究如是说。

    So says a study in the journal Nature .

  11. 中国自然杂志指出,它看起来像一只有喙的鲸。

    China 's Naturalist magazine said that it looks like a beaked whale .

  12. 这篇研究报告刊登在《自然杂志》上。

    The finding was published in the journal Nature .

  13. 该研究已在《自然杂志的神经科学》上发表。

    The study is the journal Nature Neuroscience .

  14. 但是,一份新的发表在自然杂志上的分析报告可能揭开这个奥秘。

    But a new analysis in the journal Nature may have solved the mystery .

  15. 负有盛名的自然杂志本周报道了他们的研究成果。

    The results of their study were published this week in the prestigious journal nature .

  16. 详情请见自然杂志。

    It 's described in thejournal Nature .

  17. 这个小组的发现即将在自然杂志的网页版上发表。

    The team 's findings will be published Oct.15 in the online version of the journal Nature .

  18. 像灿烂的兰花般,自然杂志的图标可因生动多于情报而遭到指责;

    Resembling a splendid orchid , the Nature chart can be criticised for being more picturesque than informative ;

  19. 根据《自然杂志》的报道,麦基为我们提供了一个接受香菜的食谱:香菜蒜香酱。

    As Nature reports , McGee offers a strategy for building up an appreciation for the herb : Try a cilantro pesto .

  20. 自然杂志里一篇文章谈及到卫生部门忽略了家猫在传播禽流感中可能的帮凶作用。

    An article in Nature suggests health authorities are overlooking the role that domestic cats could play in the spread of avian flu .

  21. 空心的,球样结构,被形容为“特殊”和“卓越”在自然杂志上,它今天出版的突破。

    The hollow , ball-like structures were described as " extraordinary " and " remarkable " in the journal Nature , which published the breakthrough today .

  22. 不过《自然杂志》也报道,查尔德依然坚定地站在反对香菜的阵营里,她说她更愿意把香菜挑出来扔到地上。

    But Julia Child , an avowed cilantro hater , said she would just pick it out and throw it on the floor , Nature reports .

  23. 在2007年5月10日的自然杂志中,他们报道了一种促进组蛋白乙酰化的药物,它能增强阿耳茨海默氏病模型老鼠的学习和记忆能力。

    In the10 May2007 issue of Nature , they reported that a drug that promotes histone acetylation improved learning and memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer 's disease .

  24. 在自然杂志发表的一篇论文中,来自澳大利亚和美国的专家表示希望有一天开发出针对此过程的抗疟药物。

    In a paper published in Nature , experts from Australia and the United States expressed hope that drugs may one day be designed to thwart this infection process .

  25. 在1906年,《自然杂志》刊登了一篇来自英国著名学者弗朗西斯高尔顿的报告出于他的自娱自乐他在研究一个最绝妙的切蛋糕的方法。

    In 1906 the journal Nature ran a letter from Francis Galton in which the celebrated British polymath offered for his own amusement and satisfaction what he considered a superior method of cutting a cake .

  26. 但是奥特兰大的埃默里大学莎拉布朗斯安和弗兰斯得华的一项刚刚被发表在自然杂志上的研究表明所有的猴子也一样。

    But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta , Georgia , which has just been published in Nature , suggests that it is all too monkey , as well .

  27. 扎拉塞维奇告诉自然杂志网站说:“人类世是时间、过程和地层的地质单位。它是可辨别的,也是独特的。”

    on our species ' impact on the planet . " The Anthropocene works as a geological unit of time , process and strata , " Zalasiewicz told Nature.com . " It is distinguishable . It is distinctive . "

  28. 本周《自然杂志》的社论提出了一种可能性,广泛使用的抗生素处方---抗生素杀死有益菌的有效性就像杀死不利的细菌一样---可能是哮喘,糖尿病和肠易激综合症比例上升的真正因素之一。

    An editorial in this week 's Nature raises the possibility that the widespread prescription of antibiotics - which kill useful bacteria as effectively as hostile ones - might be one factor behind rising rates of asthma , diabetes and irritable-bowel syndrome .

  29. 他刚刚在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇分析火灾的论文。

    He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires .

  30. 发表在《自然》杂志上的这个研究,燃起了药物治疗控制癌扩散的新的希望。

    The study , published in the Journal nature , raises hopes of new drug therapy to stop cancer spread .