
  • 网络self-regulation
  1. 三是证券交易所自律管理权是权利还是权力。

    Is self-regulation of stock exchanges a right or a power ?

  2. 重点讨论的理论问题涉及如下几个层面:一是自律管理为何自发形成。

    The theoretical issues stressed in this chapter mainly cover the following levels : 1 . Why does self-regulation come into being spontaneously ?

  3. 再次,为了便于无线传感器网络自律管理模型的推理和分析,利用PEPA对无线传感器网络的自律恢复过程进行刻画,使其具有量化分析的能力。

    Thirdly , PEPA was used to characterize the self-recovery process in order to facilitate reasoning and analysis for the self-management model , making sure it can do quantization analysis .

  4. 谈期货市场自律管理的法律地位

    On the Legal Position of Self-regulation in the Futures Markets

  5. 论我国证券市场的自律管理

    The Self-discipline Management about the Stock Market of China

  6. 行业协会在行业自律管理中的作用

    The Effect of Trade Association in Industry Self-regulaion Management

  7. 关于中介行业自律管理的思考

    Industry Thoughts about Self-Disciplinary Management of Intermediary Profession

  8. 自律管理是证券交易所的核心功能,也是其本质属性。

    Self-regulation is the core function as well as the essential attribute of stock exchanges .

  9. 完善中国证券商自律管理制度的思考

    Analysis on China Stock Broker Self-discipline Management

  10. 市场竞争驱动着自律管理的演变,决定着自律管理的未来。

    Market competition not only drives the evolvement of self-regulation but also decides its future .

  11. 行业组织或者中介机构能够自律管理的;

    Those may be subject to the self-discipline management of the trade organizations or intermediary institutions ;

  12. 构建我国资产评估行业自律管理体制的思考

    The Thought of Setting up the Professional Self-discipline Management System of the Asset Evaluation of our Country

  13. 证券账户自律管理承诺书(格式见附件)。

    A Commitment on Self-disciplinary Administration of Securities Account ( See the Attachment for the format ) .

  14. 中国证券业协会对保荐机构、保荐代表人进行自律管理。

    The China Securities Association shall adopt self-disciplinary management to the recommendation institutions and the recommendation representatives .

  15. 在不断加强和规范律师协会的行业自律管理的同时,我们必须看到律师协会行业管理的不足。

    The disadvantages of self-regulation should not be ignored when the self-regulation in lawyer industry is strengthened .

  16. 自律管理制度具有经济学依据、社会学依据和法学依据。

    Self-management system is based on economics , law and sociology based on the basis of Law .

  17. 中国证券业协会依法对证券评级业务活动进行自律管理。

    The Securities Association of China shall exercise self-disciplinary administrations for the securities rating businesses according to law .

  18. 原因之一在于,自律管理相对于行政监管,具有不可替代的比较优势。

    One of the reasons of this lies in the irreplaceable comparative advantage of self-regulation over administrative supervision .

  19. 自律管理作为平衡政府与市场间的桥梁,是期货市场监管体系的重要组成部分。

    As a bridge to balance government and market , self-regulation is an important part in the futures market regulatory system .

  20. 关联方交易监管规范的理性分析证券市场中的信息、自律管理与监管

    The Rational Analysis of the Supervision and Management on the Related Parties ' Dealings The Information , Self-regulation Supervision and Management

  21. 摘要期货交易所的自律管理,是整个期货市场监管体系中的重要环节,有其不可替代的作用。

    The seof-rdgulation by futures exchanges is a key link in the futures markets surveillance systems and there is mo substitute for it .

  22. 中国期货业协会和期货交易所依法对期货公司的金融期货结算业务实行自律管理。

    China Futures Association and futures exchanges shall conduct self-disciplinary administration over the financial futures settlement business of futures companies according to laws .

  23. 行业协会自治权是指行业协会依法享有的,通过制定行业规章等方式,实现行业自律管理的权力。

    Autonomy of the trade associations refers to a power that makes the trade associations achieve industry self-regulation by make the industry regulations .

  24. 作为自治组织,这些行业协会拥有广泛的自治权,承担着对其行业进行自律管理的职能,并承载着一定的社会功能。

    As self-governing organizations , these trade associations have broad autonomy to self-manage the industry , and they carry a certain social functions .

  25. 证券交易所是自律管理组织,同时也是商业组织,两种不同身份,既对立又统一。

    Stock exchanges are self-regulation organizations as well as business organizations . Their dual identities present opposition and unification at the same time .

  26. 发达国家资产评估管理一般采取政府管理与行业自律管理相结合的方式。

    In developed countries , assets valuation management is usually based on the combination of government administration and profession self - discipline management .

  27. 笔者认为不仅要加强政府监管,更要加强行业自律管理和增强消费者的监管力度。

    The author believed that not only strengthen government regulation , but also to strengthen self-discipline management , and enhanced supervision of consumers .

  28. 建立审计机制与完善行业自律管理体系是当务之急。

    The urgent matter of the moment is to establish audit mechanism and to perfect the vocation 's management system of restricting itself .

  29. 这些具有独立性和关联性的问题,结合在一起,将从理论和实践层面,全面而立体地勾画出证券交易所自律管理的法律图景。

    By putting all these independent and correlative issues together , a comprehensive and three-dimensional juristic picture of self-regulation of stock exchanges will be sketched .

  30. 业主自治是全体业主对小区的一种自治自律管理,理论上将之分为物的管理和人的管理。

    The owner autonomous is all the owners make an autonomous management to apartment , which can be divided into material management and human management in theory .