
  • 网络Automatic sampling;Auto Sampling
  1. 嫦娥六号探测器作为嫦娥五号的备份,也将在月球进行自动采样,供全面分析和研究之用。

    As the backup of the Chang'e-5 mission , the Chang'e-6 mission would also collect lunar samples automatically for comprehensive analysis and research .

  2. 基于CCD亚像元细分原理的点目标自动采样算法

    An Automatic Points Sampling Algorithm Based on CCD Sub - pixel Division

  3. 基于CPLD的A/D自动采样接口

    Interface of A / D auto-sampling based on CPLD

  4. 通过PT温度传感器、单片机和PC机之间的数据通讯实现了自动采样温度数据,自动绘制温度变化曲线,自动生成测量报告。

    The temperature data , curve and measuring report are gotten automatically by the communication among PT temperature sensor and MCU and PC.

  5. 针对点目标图像可能存在的方块效应与细节退化现象,结合点目标灰度特性处理技术,改进并完善了邻域线性插值细分方法。从而,提出了该基于CCD亚像元细分原理的点目标自动采样算法。

    According to the phenomenon of edge degradation and block effect , combined with pixel gray transformation techniques , an automatic points sampling algorithm is proposed in this paper .

  6. CMH出矿/入厂煤自动采样装置实用控制系统

    Practical Control System for CMH Automatie Sampling Device of Mine Ouput / Input Plant Coal

  7. 介绍了快速定量装车系统的工作原理、流程及输煤、定量装车机械设备、三级自动采样、液压控制及PLC监控等系统组成的功能。

    Introduced are the working principles of an express fixed-quantity loading system , its flowsheet and coal flow , mechanical equipment , three-stage automatic sampler , fluid-driven control and component 's function of the PLC monitoring system .

  8. 方法于2003年12月-2004年1月在天津市某市中心区利用大气自动采样仪全天采集大气中颗粒物样品,连续采样32d。

    Methods Samples were collected with auto-sampling instrument for 32 consecutive days in heating period of Dec. 2003-Jan , 2004 , in a central area of Tianjin .

  9. 1993~1994年连续2a在广州东郊采用自动采样和气相色谱分析系统测量了稻田甲烷的排放率,首次获得了华南地区赤红壤类型稻田甲烷排放特征和排放通量。

    Methane emission rates have been continuously measured in the eastern suburb of Guangzhou from 1993 to 1994 by using an automatic sampling and gas chromatographic analyzing system , and the methane emission characteristics and fluxes for red soil paddy fields in south China were obtained for the first time .

  10. 直角坐标机器人液体样品自动采样系统

    A liquid sample automatic sampling system based on right-angle coordinate Robot

  11. 动物活体自动采样技术的应用和评价

    Application and evaluation of automatic sampling system in animal studies

  12. 用于沉积物-海水界面污染通量监测的自动采样技术

    Automated Sampling Technology for Measuring Contaminant Flux across Sediment-water Interface

  13. 自动采样速率和动态采样精度的设计;

    Automatic sampling rate and dynamic sampling precision designing .

  14. 自动采样系统在热电企业中的应用

    Application of Automatic Sampling System to Thermal Power Enterprises

  15. 传感器标定系统的自动采样算法

    Automatic sampling arithmetic of demarcating system of sensor

  16. 并对人工采样与自动采样方法进行了对比。

    Meanwhile the comparison between the artificial sampling and automatic sampling has been performed .

  17. 浅析空气质量监测连续自动采样分析及运行管理

    Brief Talk on Operation and Management and Continuous Auto-sampling Analysis of Air Quality Monitoring

  18. 热电厂输煤胶带自动采样系统的应用

    The Application of the Automatic Sampling System on the Coal Convey Belt in Thermal Power Plant

  19. 干涉图的自动采样与处理

    Automatic sampling and processing of interferograms

  20. 图层自动采样技术的研究

    Automatically sampling technique of coverage

  21. 用风脉动的自动采样和数据处理系统计算白银地区大气扩散参数

    The Atmospheric Diffusion Parameters Computed in Baiyin with Automatic System for Sampling and Data Processing of Wind Fluctuation

  22. 介绍了以直角坐标机器人为基础的通用型液体样品自动采样系统的设计。

    The design of a universal sampling system based on right-angle coordinate robot for liquid samples is described .

  23. 该系统可以在点播流媒体的过程中准确模拟用户的点播动作并自动采样流媒体的性能指标及内容规范性指标。

    The system can precisely simulate the action of the user , and automatically sample the indicators of the performance .

  24. 主要由光源,滤色器,单色器,探测器及电子学系统组成的系统,实现了自动采样自动测试。

    The system consisted of light source , filter , monochrometer , detector and electronic unit , can do sampling and measuring automatically .

  25. 对大气二氧化硫连续自动采样过程中的导气管吸附、样品的放置时间、吸收液的放置时间、采样高度等方面进行了试验。

    The test result shows absorption of air pipe with automatic monitoring sampling is main reasons causing lower value than that of the five days sampling method do .

  26. 并实现了数据自动采样及保存,邮件自动发送到指定邮箱,并且随时能查看历史数据曲线图三大功能。

    And data was automatically sampled and preserved , e-mail was automatically sent to the specified mailbox , and historical data curves can be at any time viewed .

  27. 在采样控制方面,采用自动采样频率控制和动态采样精度控制的方法,防止了混叠的产生,同时,保证了有较大的测量范围和较高的精度。

    We adopt automatic sampling frequency control and dynamic sampling precision control so as to avoid mixed superposition as well as to ensure a larger measuring scope and higher precision .

  28. 文章从基本原理、取样箱设计、取样时间策略、自动采样箱设计、气相色谱测定技术参数、计算方法及自动测定系统等方面,系统介绍静态箱技术。

    This paper introduces the basic principle , chamber design , sampling strategy , design of auto-sampling chamber , GC parameters , computation equations and the auto-analysis system in this technique .

  29. 对盘式制动器钳体强度检测的工作方式是由计算机程序控制的I/O口执行多通道自动采样并实时显示。

    The working mode detected by the intensity of brake caliper 's body of disc brake is automatically in a multi-channel way sampled by the computer-controlled I / O port and real-time displayed .

  30. 利用小行星测量信息的深空探测器自主导航算法研究主要由光源,滤色器,单色器,探测器及电子学系统组成的系统,实现了自动采样自动测试。

    Autonomous Optical Navigation for Interplanetary Cruise Based on Images of Beacon Asteroids The system consisted of light source , filter , monochrometer , detector and electronic unit , can do sampling and measuring automatically .