
  • 网络Autonomy;the principle of autonomy
  1. 其实,四原则说中的尊重自主原则与允许原则有相通之处。

    The principle of respect for autonomy of the doctrine of four principles has common in essence with that of permission .

  2. 医患诚信具有自身的伦理原则,它们包括知情同意原则,尊重原则和自主原则。

    Doctor-patient integrity has its own ethical principles , which including the principle of informed consent , principle of respect and the principle of autonomy .

  3. 政府指导与农民自主原则。

    The principle that government guides and farmer gets independence .

  4. 最后,克隆人违背了伦理学三原则即不伤害原则、公正原则、自主原则。

    And lastly , human-cloning breaches 3-principles of ethnics ( inoffensive principle , just principle and independent principle ) .

  5. 朝鲜半岛统一应遵循四个原则:即和解原则、自主原则、平等原则和泛国民性原则。

    In this case , four principles should be observed : peace principle , self-determination principle , equality principle and Pan-Korean principle .

  6. 赞成安乐死者认为:安乐死符合自主原则、生命质量和生命价值原则、有利原则;

    People arguing for euthanasia believe that it conforms to initiative principles , life quality , life value principle and advantage principle ;

  7. 第五部分提出欠发达地区社区参与旅游发展的六大原则,包括自主原则、赋权原则、增加居民各种机会的原则、注重过程,以人为本的原则、注意性别敏感性的原则、动态的原则。

    In part five the author puts forward six principles in implementing the stratagem of community participation in tourism development in underdeveloped areas .

  8. 自主原则、无害原则和知情同意原则应成为保护网络隐私权的几项基本原则。

    In addition , it points out that the independence principle , harmless principle , and informed consent principle should become basic principles protecting the right of network privacy .

  9. 医患诚信与三者之间的关系是相辅相成的,自主原则是医患诚信的基点,尊重原则是医患诚信的前提,知情同意原则是实现医患诚信的途径。

    The relationship doctor-patient integrity between those three principles complements each other , the principle of autonomy is the basis , the principle of respect prerequisite and the principle of informed consent methods .

  10. 医务人员在处理与患者的关系上应该遵循的道德原则有自主原则、尊重原则、有利原则和不伤害原则。

    Medical staff and patients in dealing with the relationship between the moral principles should be followed the principle of autonomy , respect for the principle of benefit principle and the principle of no harm .

  11. 伦理原则是科技期刊编辑应当遵从的基本原则,主要包括主体原则、自主原则、公平原则、平等原则、诚实原则等。

    Ethical principles , the basic principles that the editors of sci-tech periodicals should comply with , mainly include subject principle , autonomy principle , equity principle , equality principle , honesty principle and so on .

  12. 而自主原则也是基于生命自决权的延伸,意在表明在医疗进程中,作为医疗对象的患者有权对整个医疗诊断、医疗措施以及医疗效果做出选择,拥有独立的决定权。

    The principle of autonomy is based on the right to self determine , and shows patients have the independent right to make choices for the medical diagnosis , medical treatment and medical effect in medical process .

  13. 最后,提出了规范知情同意程序,遵循尊重原则和自主原则,切实改变我国现有的医学模式和医患关系模式,倡导医患双方平等合作,以构建真正的和谐医患关系的设想。

    The thesis finally proposes that to build a really harmonious physician-patient relationship needs to standardize the procedures of informed consent , follow the principles of respect and autonomy , change the present patterns of medicine and physician-patient relationship and initiate the equal cooperation pattern between health workers and patients .

  14. 笔者以知识建构原则、教学外部环境优化原则、交互性原则和自主学习原则为理论依据,设计和实施了一堂机辅大学英语教学示范课,尝试使用了针对CALL环境的教学策略。

    On the basis of such principles as social constructivism , optimizing external teaching environment , interaction and autonomous learning , a demonstration class of computer-assisted instruction was designed and delivered , in which teaching strategies adapted to the CALL context were practiced .

  15. 论医学伦理学的自主性原则

    On the Autonomy Principle of Medical Ethics

  16. 这些原则包括:自主外交原则;

    These principles include : independent diploma ;

  17. 依据自由而行动,充分体现了自主性原则。

    The basis of freedom of action , and fully embodies the principle of autonomy .

  18. 教师同时要掌握如下相关整合原则:个性化原则、探究性原则、自主性原则、最优化原则等。

    Teachers should also master the following principles : individuation , inquiring , dependability , optimization and so on .

  19. 自主性原则在现代性价值中居于理一分殊的核心地位。然而在现实它却遭遇诸多困境。

    The principle of autonomy remains at the core of the modern value system but has encountered many challenges in the reality .

  20. 首先充分遵循公平竞争原则、效率原则、服务导向原则和患者自主选择原则。

    First full compliance with the principle of fair competition , the principle of efficiency , service-oriented principles and patients to choose principle .

  21. 自主性原则是根源于西方强调个性自由和选择的自由主义道德传统,我国古代哲人也提出过相近乃至相同的看法。

    While the autonomy principle originates from western liberalism morals tradition emphasizing on personal freedom and choice , Chinese ancient sage has put forward the close and even the same viewpoint .

  22. 个人的自由权是以自主性原则为基础的:人们有自己作出决定的权利,这种权利应得到他人的尊重。

    The right of individuals to freedom is based upon the principle of autonomy : people have the right to make their own decisions , which should be respected by others .

  23. 相比非统而言,非盟在安全机制的设计、自主维和原则的创新、区域意识的塑造等方面有许多重大历史突破。

    Compared with OAU , AU had made some significant breakthrough in the following aspects : the construction of collective security mechanism , the innovation of self-peacekeeping principals , and the moulding of regional consciousness .

  24. 散文教学要遵循的原则是学生学的自主性原则,教师教的主导性原则,教学的目的性原则和体现散文文本个性的原则。

    The principle followed by prose teaching contains the autonomous principle of students in studying and teacher-leading principle for teachers in teaching , purposeful principle of teaching and the principle reflecting the personality of prose text .

  25. 法律选择应遵循四个基本原则,即当事人自主决定原则,最密切联系原则,公平原则和有效原则。

    The essay argues that the choice of law should follow the four basic doctrines : the doctrine chosen by the parties , the most relevant doctrine , the fair doctrine , and the effective doctrines .

  26. 在市场经济体制中,规范一般民事活动当事人双方的权利及义务时,必须基于当事人意思自主的原则,透过契约的约定来理清当事人的权利义务关系。

    In market economy system , standard general civic action litigant both sides rights and obligations , based on the litigant meaning independent principle , must penetrate the contract to subscribe decides the thousandth of a Yuan clear litigant rights and obligations relations .

  27. 行政复议前置程序应当取消,行政复议终局应由行政诉讼司法审查作为最终审查原则代替,将自主选择原则作为行政复议和行政诉讼审查程序的唯一衔接原则。

    Pre-procedure of administrative review should be canceled , and the judicial review of administrative litigation as an ultimate censorship principle should replaced the final administrative action . The principle of self-selection should be the only interface between administrative review and administrative litigation .

  28. 非洲集体安全机制的进一步发展还必须正视几个重大问题,诸如怎样处理冲突控制中的干预政策(非漠视原则)与国家主权的关系,如何协调自主维和原则与争取外援的关系等。

    The further development of African collective security mechanism must face several vital issues , such as how to handle the relations of the intervention and the national sovereignty , how to coordinate the relations of self-peacekeeping principal and win over external assistance .

  29. 该工程坚持自主创新原则,从工程组织建设、系统设计、设备成套设计、工程设计到设备制造采购、工程施工和调试全部立足国内,全面实现了国产化要求。

    This project insists the principle of independent innovation and realizes the requirements of localization of parts and components completely from project organization and construction , design of system and complete set equipment as well as project to manufacturing and purchasing equipment , project construction and commissioning .

  30. 讨论了发现学习CAI课件设计中应遵循的原则:充分参与,自主发现的原则;

    The authors discuss the principles to be abided by in designing discovery learning courseware instruction .