首页 / 词典 / good

  • official under a feudal ruler;subject
  • I;My
  • 君主时代的官吏,有时亦包括百姓:~僚。~子。~服。君~。

  • 官吏对君主的自称:“王必无人,~愿奉璧往使。”

  • 古人谦称自己。

  • 古代指男性奴隶:~仆。~虏。


(君主时代的官吏, 有时也包括百姓) official under a feudal ruler; subject:

  • 君臣

    the monarch and his subjects


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 臣悦

    Chen Yue


(官对君主的自称) I; My:

  • 臣心如水

    My heart is as pure as water.

  1. 臣节是指士人对君主效忠的政治立场,具有唯一性和排他性。

    Subject 's norm was of political position that officials pledged their loyalty to a monarch .

  2. 以前臣从未参与过对基督徒之审判。

    I have never participated in trials of christians .

  3. 国王有几名侍臣随从。

    The king was attended by his courtiers .

  4. 权臣用事。

    Powerful officials [ ministers ] are in power .

  5. 宁在地狱为王,不在天堂为臣。

    [ 谚 ] Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven .

  6. 这四个贼臣弄权,嫉贤妒能,闭塞贤路。

    These four crooked ministers are jealous of real talent and block righteous conduct .

  7. 他认为自己是有功之臣,不是败军之将。

    He thought that he , far from being a routed general , had meritorious service to his credit .

  8. 在2008年和2009年,美国庄臣公司因在其清洁产品上使用“绿色名单”的标签而遭到集体诉讼。

    In 2008 and 2009 , class-action lawsuits were filed against SC Johnson for using " Greenlist " labels on its cleaning products .

  9. 使臣名字《旧唐书》为郎将崔欣Xi。

    The name of the ambassador in " Old Tang History " was " Minister Cui Xi " .

  10. 尽管遭到批评,但是正如亚洲动物基金创始人兼CEO谢罗便臣所见,越来越多的中国人开始关心动物保护。

    Despite the criticism , Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson has witnessed a significant rise in the number of Chinese citizens showing concern for animal welfare .

  11. 这不是短暂或暂时的现象,而是一种转变,泰臣食品公司(TysonFoods)驻上海的中国区主管詹姆斯•赖斯(JamesRice)表示。

    This is not a blip or a temporary thing . It is a shift , says James Rice , the China country head for Tyson Foods , in Shanghai .

  12. 从我无意中听到的一些谈话片断可以推断,他们在这里达成了交易,敲定了收购——就像维斯特洛南部富庶的首都君临城(King'sLanding)中诡计多端的廷臣的现代版。

    From snatches of conversation I overhear , deals are done here , and takeovers hatched - a modern take on the scheming courtiers of King 's Landing , the affluent , southern capital of Westeros .

  13. 汤臣集团的代表、房地产咨询公司高力国际(ColliersInternational)驻上海的董事总经理LinaWong说,她不知道其他地方涉及这么高楼层的整层交易。

    Lina Wong , a managing director of Colliers International in Shanghai , who acted on behalf of Tomson , says she isn 't aware of strata title deals anywhere involving office floors at such heights .

  14. 美国庄臣集团亿万家产的继承人柯蒂斯•约翰逊(S.CurtisJohnson)今晨对针对他累次对一名儿童实施性侵犯的指控提出无罪辩护。

    S.Curtis Johnson , billionaire heir to the SC Johnson cleaning product fortune , entered a not guilty plea this morning to charges of repeatedly sexually assaulting a child .

  15. 方法:以4-氨基吡啶(4-AP)诱发小鼠舔体反应为指标,观察显臣粉刺净酊的抗过敏止痒作用。

    Methods : 4 - aminopyridine ( 4-AP ) ( 1 mg · kg-1 ) was used to induce a licking response in mice . The antiallergic and antipruritic effects were observed .

  16. 中国国家质检总局上周五晚间在网站上宣布,在泰臣食品公司的冷冻鸡肉产品,以及美国IntervisionFoods公司的冷冻鸡爪中发现了沙门氏菌,这明显是对上述批评的回应。

    In apparent response China 's food safety administration announced late on Friday it had found salmonella in frozen chicken products sold to China by Tyson and in frozen chicken feet from US company Intervision Foods .

  17. 第三组是横贯全区的的几条近EW向和中部SN向宽而复杂的构造带,在后者的东、西两侧散臣着大间距、小长度、断续的SN向阴影构造线。

    And the third set consists of several EW tectonic zones through the whole mainland and a wide complex NS strike zone in the middle of the mainland , of which on the both sides spread NS direction shade lines which are short , discontinuous and of large intervals .

  18. 为了顺利的呈现出魅力,你需要这种sprezzatura的文艺复兴的特性,这个词语的典故是Castiglione在一本书,廷臣之书。

    In order to pull glamour off , you need this Renaissance quality of sprezzatura , which is a term coined by Castiglione in his book , " The Book Of The Courtier .

  19. 所罗门的臣仆,尼八的儿子耶罗波安也举手攻击王。

    Also , Jeroboam son of Nebat rebelled against the king .

  20. 这位臣仆的郁郁寡欢,使皇帝颇为伤心,就此垂询。

    Grieved by his servant 's sorrow , the emperor inquired .

  21. 他说,我的臣仆,岂不都是王吗?

    For he says , are not all my captains kings ?

  22. 若寿臣剧院进行日场演出,开放时间将会稍作更改。

    Opening hours may change if Shouson Theatre has day-time performance .

  23. 麦花臣式悬吊普遍用于小车上。

    MacPherson strut suspension system is wildly used in small cars .

  24. 渤海使臣使日与日本宫廷的外交礼仪

    Protocol of Japan Palace during the Period of Bohai Envoy Visiting Japan

  25. 灯塔-漆咸轻-歌连臣角鳕鱼,马萨诸塞州的跨缝的设计。

    Lighthouse I-Chatham Light-Cape Cod , Massachusetts Cross Stitch Design .

  26. 舜有臣五人而天下治。

    Shun had five ministers , and the empire was well governed .

  27. 郭嵩焘是近代中国第一个走出国门的驻外使臣。

    Guo songtao was the first diplomatic envoy abroad in modern China .

  28. 扫罗的臣仆、就照这话说给大卫听。

    And saul 's servants said these things to david .

  29. 一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。

    A Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava .

  30. 齐国怎么派你来做使臣呢?

    Why should Qi send you here as an emissary ?