
  • 网络bellies;ventral setae
  1. 细毛羊腹毛高弯问题的研究(Ⅱ)东北细毛羊高弯腹毛主要物理特性的研究

    Research on some physical characteristics of the high crimped abdominal fibre in northeastern fine wool sheep

  2. 腹毛目纤毛虫是纤毛虫中最为复杂、最为进化、最高等的一个类群,其细胞分化有含许多结构成分的皮层,纤毛及其纤毛相联系的多种结构组成了皮层的重要结构成分。

    Hypotrichous ciliate are the highest , the most complicated , the most evolving group in ciliates . Cell differentiation with many structural components of cortex , cilia and ciliated linked to a variety of structures composed of cortex important structural components .

  3. 包囊游仆虫休眠包囊中,各类纤毛器的纤毛基体上方的大部分纤毛杆退化,或仅保留毛基体,有时部分额腹棘毛的毛基体也瓦解消失。

    For resting cysts of Euplotes encysti-cus , in their various ciliatures , most of the ciliary shafts above the cilia kinetosomes are degenerated , or preserve their kinetosomes only .