
liǎn bù
  • facial part
  1. 你能帮我把他的脸部放大吗?

    Can you do me a blow-up of his face ?

  2. 在这个镜头中,摄影机对准演员的脸部。

    In this scene , the camera focuses on the actor 's face .

  3. 在屏幕上看见她自己的脸部特写使她感到奇怪。

    It was strange to see her own face in close-up on the screen .

  4. 她尖叫着,脸部因狂怒和痛苦而扭曲。

    She screamed , her face distorted with fury and pain .

  5. 格雷厄姆用枪击打他的脸部。

    Graham hit him across the face with the gun .

  6. 严重的脸部或背部晒伤会非常疼痛。

    A badly sunburned face or back is extremely painful .

  7. 那名7岁男孩被发现时正在哭泣,脸部和颈部都有划伤。

    The seven-year-old was found crying with scratches on his face and neck

  8. 他脸部受到重击之后就去了医院。

    He went off to hospital after a blow to the face .

  9. 他脸部浮肿。

    His face was bloated .

  10. 他只能描画出窃贼脸部的大致轮廓。

    He can only provide a crude drawing of the thief 's face .

  11. 她脸部瘦削。

    She is thin in the face .

  12. 他是一个脸部表情多变的演员。

    He is an actor with a very mobile face .

  13. 你能发现横过他脸部的深深的刀疤。

    You can find deep knife scar across his face .

  14. 他脸部带有戒备的神情。

    He wears the guard on his expression .

  15. 他脸部受伤后落下一块难看的伤疤,所以他留起胡须把它遮住。

    The wound left a nasty mark on his face , so he grew beard over it to hide it .

  16. 然而,要想给人留下好的第一印象,最重要的就是注重你的脸部。

    However , the most important tool for making a good first impression is your face .

  17. Sleeptattoo(睡眠纹身)指睡了很长一段时间醒来后,睡觉时盖的毯子、穿的衣服或者碰巧在床上的任何物品在身上留下的印记,多见于胸口、脸部以及胳膊。

    Sleep tattoo refers to the markings on the body from sleeping for an extended period of time , caused by blankets , clothing , or any other thing one would sleep on . Commonly found on the chest , face , and arms . ( Source : urbandictionary . com ) For example :

  18. 它们将会加速你脸部皱纹的产生,并使你的肌肤非常干燥。

    They will speed up the creating of wrinkles4 on your skin and making it dry .

  19. 这家日本潮流商店正在出售一种叫做“脸部内衣”的仪器,据说可以帮助减少笑纹,这种皱纹会随着年龄增长愈发明显。

    Japan Trend Shop are selling a ' face bra ' that promises to help fight the smile lines that grow more prominently with age .

  20. 电视脸是一个人看同一个电视节目看太久而变得太过松弛的脸部表情。

    TV face is a condition in which a person 's face becomes too relaxed from starting the same thing too long ( watching TV ) .

  21. 研究人员也不是很确定形成这一现象的原因,不过有一种可能的解释是,人类在进化过程中已经习惯了接收动态的脸部画面。

    While researchers aren ’ t completely certain , one possibility is that , evolutionarily , we ’ re more accustomed to seeing dynamic faces than static ones .

  22. 因为大脑更容易识别动态的脸部画面,这一识别过程也不需要费太多精力,所以接收到的动态脸部画面的魅力指数也就要高一些。

    Since it ’ s easier for our brains to recognize a moving face , and since it requires less work , the result could mean a higher perceived attractiveness .

  23. 快照族之间有很多可以分享的“速食”,比如搞怪的脸部表情或者他们即将要吃的食物。

    There are all sorts of things snubs like to share for immediate2 consumption , ranging from wacky facial expressions to pictures of a meal they 're about to eat .

  24. 来自哈佛及其他地方的研究人员发现,有相当一部分人都患有脸盲症,而且这个数目是惊人的。这些人完全无法辨识脸部容貌,以至于经常对熟人视而不见,看电影时也跟不上情节。

    New findings from researchers at Harvard and elsewhere suggest that a surprising number of people are face-blind , so bad at recognizing faces that they routinely snub acquaintances and have trouble following movie plots .

  25. 并按内容的相似性进行分类。在第三章,我们介绍了MPEG-4里支持的脸部动画系统。

    Also , we will introduce the MPEG-4 supported facial animated system .

  26. MPEG-4脸部运动的编码和解码

    Encoding and decoding of facial object with MPEG-4

  27. SSR滤波器算法是基于特征与模板匹配相结合的算法,其原理是应用脸部明暗关系的规则,在图像中寻找可能的人脸区域候选。

    The principle is that using the relationship between light and shade of the face to look for face candidates .

  28. 蒙娜丽莎(monalisa)不对称的微笑,体现了脸部肌肉之间复杂的相互作用;在勾画一座瀑布时,达芬奇迷上了流体力学。

    Behind the asymmetric smile of the " Mona Lisa " lay a complex interplay of facial muscles ; in sketching a waterfall , Da Vinci became fascinated by fluid dynamics .

  29. 关于服用生姜胶囊、冷敷脸部以及通过听音乐分散注意力来缓解晕动病的症状及其引发的生理反应的效果,纽约州劳顿维尔(Loudonville)锡耶纳学院(SienaCollege)的研究人员也进行了研究。

    At Siena College , in Loudonville , N.Y. , researchers have studied the effectiveness of ginger capsules , facial cooling and listening to music as a distraction for lessening symptoms and physiological responses to motion sickness .

  30. 工厂里的机器人长得并不像影片《星球大战》(StarWars)里那个好玩的机器人阿图(R2-D2),而是一些没有脸部的机器,从事一些重复性的重型工作。

    Robots in factories don 't resemble R2-D2 , the charming electronic handyman in " Star Wars " films . They tend to be faceless machines doing heavy , repetitive chores .